Chapter 4: A fight

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"Go to sleep." I heard him say. I mentally smiled. He was able to sneak up on me. Maybe I'm just out of practice but not many can do that. I reached up grabbed his wrist and twisted it so his knife was now in my hands.

"What and miss all the fun we're about to have." I said as I tossed him his knife. I saw he was wearing a white hoodie. He was the figure who had been following me.

I then noticed he had a smile carved into his face. This must have been done on purpose. I also took note of how pale his skim was and saw his eyes were red. I then notoced his eyelods were missing. I then watched as he caught the knife and took a unusal fighting stance. Must have been one he invented. "Can I at least know your name?" I asked.

"The names Jeff, Jeff the killer." He stated looking at me.

"I see well I'm [Name] the person who's apparently going to kill you." I stated as he charged at me. As we fought I held a conversation with him.

"So Jeff why are you trying to kill me?" I questioned.

"You are my next target." He stated as he brought his knife down I dodged it and kicked him in the stomach. Strange he wasn't sent flying most vampires I fought with. This excited me and I felt my eyes change.

This seemed to shock him. I took this chance to punch him in the chest I used much more force than necessary to send him flying. He got back up with a few scraps and bruesies on him.

"Jeff the killer I've heard of you. You are a very famous killer news reports about you all over the place. I didn't think that you would target someone as boring as me however." I stated as he rushed towards me.

"It really wasn't you just the person who was living in your house and you call yourself boring look at who you're fighting and of I didn't know any better I'd say you weren't even taking this fight seriously." He stated looking at me. To this I said nothing.

He charged forward and I dodged his knife yet again and brought my knee to his stomach he fell to his knees and I kicked him into a nearby tree.

He got up and I could tell the frustration was building up inside of him. "Why won't you just die!" He yelled as he dashed forward once again by this point I was getting bored. So I slammed my fist into his gut and grabbed his throat.

"I won't die because you aren't capable of killing me. You can search a thousand years but there is only one way for you to kill me." I said as I slammed him to the ground. I started to walk away but then I felt another set of eyes watching me.

I turned and saw a girl with pale skin looking at me. She had black hair and pale skin like that Jeff fellow. The wind then blew and moved some of her hair out of the way she had solid black eyes. I then saw that she was holding my buchers knife. Wait so I had two stalkers. Why am I suddenly so popular?

She just looked at me then turned her attention to Jeff and started to walk towards him. I left to let her mind her own business. When I entered mty house I let out a sigh.

I went to get another packet of blood that had been delivered to me and I walked up stairs the bag still in my hand. I walked into my room to see everything was in order.

My poster was still in place. The book I bought a couple hundred years ago was still by my bed. The girl from the woods was hiding in my closet. . . wait what that last one? What's she doing here? I smelled the air to make sure I wan't going crazy.

Yeah it was definitely her. I approached the closet and spoke through the door. "You're not very good at hiding are you?" I then watched as the door flew open and it made contact with my face.

"Ow." Was all I said as she walked out of the closet. "So what are you doing here?" I questioned.

"Jeff." Was all she said.

"What he your boyfriend or something." I asked as shensat down.

She chuched the knife she had stolen from me near my face and it got embedded in the wall. "THAT BASTARD DID SOMETHING UNFORGIVABLE I NEVER WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH HIM." She yelled out.

"Yeah okay I hear I'm not deaf although I may be after that." I said cleaning out my ears. "So if you have a hatred for this Jeff fellow then why aren't you trying to kill him?" I asked.

"I am." She stated throwing my book at me.

I watched as it was thrown out the window. I let out a sigh then spoke calmly "That was a collectors item." I stated looking at her.

"Well why are you here if you're trying to kill Jeff? He's in the middle of the woods not here." I stated looking at her.

"He got away and hold grudges so he'll come back to kill you." She stated looking at me.

"Pft as if he could kill me. He may be a mass murderer but when it comes to the killing and fighting game he's still an amatuer compared to me." I stated heading for my bed.

"What makes you say that?" She asked as I threw a cover over myself.

"I used to fight people that had the same amount of skill and some that had even more power a long time ago. No matter what he trys he still won't be able to kill me. He's thousands of years to young for me to even consider us to be on the same level." I stated turnning to look at her.

"Well I'll be staying here until he comes back." She stated looking at me.

"Yeah sure sleep where ever you can find a spot." I said turning around.

She nodded and left my room. I would imagine she went to the spare room I have.

Your Killer {Jane the killer x Male reader}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant