Chapter 12: Getting intimate

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P.O.V. [Name]

"So what do you say? Want to have some fun?" She asked in a teasing manner. As of to provoke me she got closer to me and kissed my lips.

That was the breaking point I turned her over and pinned her to the bed. "Just remember that you asked for this." I said with a smile painting my face.

I then slowly leaned down and kissed her neck. I heard her bite back a moan as I did so. However I then moved my hands to her waist and started to trace her slender figure.

When I did felt goosebumps start to appear on her skin. I then stopped kissing her and looked into those black voids she has for eyes. I for some reason actually found them beautiful.

As I looked into her eyes she looked up at me and smiled. "I'm not sure how this happened but I like it." She said looking at me. I smiled and leaned down and once again began to kiss her neck.

Like before I used my hands to rub her figure only this time when I did I slipped my hands under her bra and began to feel her breast. When I did the moan that she had been fighting back finally came to surface.

I looked at her a smirk on my face. "Finally got one out of you." I said looking at her. She then got a bitter look on her face and flipped me over.

When I looked down I saw that Jane had already removed my pants and was currently messaging my member through my final layer of clothing. "Yeah you did now let's see if I can get one out of you." She said a smile on her face.

She then removed my pants to reveal my member. She then gasped when she saw me. I blushed when she did and tried to fight it back.

I then felt her take hold of my shaft and begin to pump. While she was doing this I tried to hold down my moan which I did it really wasn't that hard to be honest.

I then felt her get closer and look at me. "Not enough guess I'll just have to put in more effort." She said as she went down to my member and licked it.

I then felt it much harder to hold in my moans as she did this. She then smiled and gave me another much longer lick. When she did I once again tensed up and held in my moan. "Still not enough alright then." She said as she stuck my member into her mouth.

I then found it very hard not to moan as she did this. However I was able to hold back my moan. That was until she started to use her tongue. Once she started to do this my moan finally came to the surface.

When it did she took my member out of her mouth and looked at me. "There now we're even." She said looking at me. When she said this she then took off her shirt as well as her bra.

When she did she let them fall to the floor and looked at me with a smile one her face. "Well what do you think?" She asked looking at me.

They were just as pale as the rest of her body all except for her nipples. They were a light shade of pink and I for some reason found this a little cute. "They look great." I said looking up at her.

She then smiled and walked over to me when she did she looked at me and smiled. She then walked over to me and gently pushed me onto my back.

"Hope you don't mind if I take charge." She said looking at me. I was going to say something but then I thought about what she had just said.

She's may be doing this for her own sexual pleasure but I'm also getting some pleasure out of this and she's going to be doing all the work. I to be honest don't see anything wrong with this.

"Alright go for it." I said looking at her. She then smiled and looked down and lined herself up with me. She then smiled and slowly slid down.

I saw her face turn into one of pain. I soon saw why as I felt a warm liquid run down my shaft. I looked down and saw that she was bleeding.

This to be honest excited me just a bit and I raised up to look at her. "So this is your first time?" I asked looking at her.

"Y-yeah it is." She said a light blush on her face. "I-I can't think of anyone better to give my first time to other than you." She said a smile on her face.

I then looked at her and smiled. "I guess that makes two of us." I said kissing her lips.

"Y-you mean this is-" she started looking at me.

"Yes it is, all my years of living and not a single girl was able to catch my attention. You're the only one that was able to do it. You're the only girl I've ever had feelings for." I said looking at her.

"I see well I don't even know what to say to that." She said looking at me. I then smiled leaned forward and kissed her.

"That's okay you don't have to say anything." I said looking at her. I then kissed her and looked into her eyes. "Just know that I love you." I said looking at her.

She blushed and slowly pushed me back down. "And just so you know you're the only guy I'd ever do this for." She said looking at me.

She then smiled and started to move. When she did I tried my best to hold in my moans but it was a loosing battle so I decided to just let them out.

As I did Jane also decided to let out her own moans as she bounced on my hardened member. As she starting moving faster she also started to moan.

I smiled at this and moved my hands to grab a hold of her butt. When I did she started to moan even more. As she did I smiled and felt her walls tighten around me.

This new sensation was what brought me to my end and I released it all inside of her and when I did she also released her jucies. Letting out a pleasured scream in the process.

She then fell to my side and looked at me. "I love you Jane." I said looking at her.

"I love you too [Name]," she said as she slowly drifted off to sleep. I followed her example and went to sleep with her covering us both up in the process.

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