Chapter 9: New faces

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P.O.V. [Name]

I was trying to sleep but then I heard Jane and her friends laugh rather loudly. I let out a sigh and walked down the stairs to see what was going on.

I saw that they were all laughing at something on TV. I decided to ignore this and walked back up stairs to take a shower. Not like I had anything else I could do.

I then walked into the bathroom and looked to the mirror. I saw no one I recognized in the mirror. I knew it was me but it still caught me off guard.

I had long jet black hair that came down to my waist and a deep shade of brown eyes. I then smiled and said "I miss what used to look like." I smiled foundly at the memory of what I used to look like.

P.O.V. Jane

I was looking at Cloakwork and she suddenly announced "man I'm bored."

"Yeah" I said looking at her.

"Anyone got anything fun we can do?" I asked looking around.

"I got an idea." Sally said looking at us.

"What's that?" Clockwork asked looking at her.

"We can have a te-" she started only to be cut off by me.

"Please don't say tea party." I said looking at her.

She stayed queit for a moment then spoke up again. "Alright then I have another idea." Some way or another Sally convenienced us to play truth or dare.

"Alright Jane your turn." Cloakwork said looking at me.

"Alright well then." I started looking around the room and I saw [Name] walking down the stairs. I smiled and said "Hey [Name] truth or dare?"

"You're not getting me to play that game. You'll probably make me wear a dress or something." He said looking at me.

"Just answer the question truth or dare?" I said looking at him.

"Truth." He said walking past me.

"Have you ever killed anyone?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said walking into the kitchen.

"Damn he didn't even hesitate to answer." Clockwork said she then followed that by saying "Alright [Name] it's your turn!"

"No thanks!" He said as I heard the microwave start up.

"Oh come on!" She said.

"No just give someone else my turn!" He said as the microwave went off.

"Man up and just ask someone a question!" I yelled at him.

"Alright then." He then walked back into the room and stopped when he landed on Lulu.

"Alright you." He said tipping his glass towards her. "Truth or dare?" He asked.

"T-truth." She said.

"Alright. Hmm" he said thinking about it. "You know what since I don't really care so are you dating anyone?" He asked walking up the stairs.

"N-no." She said looking at him.

"Yea yeah that's great." He said walking up stairs.

"Wait!" Lulu said looking at him.

He let out a sigh and looked at her from the steps "What now?" He asked looking at her.

"Well Jane told us you were something like a vampire so do you have any powers?" She asked looking at him.

"Yeah. I do." He said looking at her.

"Can you show me?" She asked looking at me. He tossed his head side to side before he stopped and said "sure".

He then got back down on the floor and said "So which one do you want to see?" He asked looking at us.

"Well what do you got?" Clockwork asked looking at him.

"What you'd expect I can hypnotize people change what I look like and-"He started only to be cut off.

"You can transform. I think we'd like to see that." Sally said looking at him.

"Uh sure what do you want to see?" He asked looking at us.

"Something other than what you really look like." I said looking at him.

"Well you're seeing something like that right now. Care to be a little more specific?" He said looking at me.

"Wait if that's the case show us what you really look like." I said looking at him.

"Um sure." I then watched as he face slowly changed from what I had come to know as him. He looked completely different. His long black hair changed [H/C] locks that came down [H/L]. His dark brown eyes changed to [E/C] orbs that rivaled any gem.

I mean I liked him before not like I'd admit that outloud but now to know he looks like this. I mean to be honest his real self was hot like really hot. He looks like one of those guys you see when you open up a magazine and you see a model wearing a latest cloths.

P.O.V. [Name]

Man I forgot how good my regular form feels. It's not so tiring man I haven't had this much energy in like four hundred years. I smiled and looked at them.

I noticed that Jane was just staring at me. That's right this is why I don't usually go out in my regular form. People are always staring at me.

"So anything else you want to see?" I asked looking at them.

"Can you change into a bat?" Sally asked him.

"No I can't do animals." I said looking at her. "Although if it's a bat you want I can do something close." She looked at me and I removed my shirt and let my wings pop out.

"Are those real?" Sally asked.

"Yeah they are." I said turning around and spreading them out even more than what they already were. I let them get all there ooh and awes out.

After they were done I made my wing go back into my body. I went up stairs and went to sleep. I might want to change back to what I have been parading around as.

I felt my face change back to normal and felt some of my energy being diverted back to holding this ability. I then slowly drifted off to sleep.

When I awoke I went down stairs and saw Jane and the others still asleep. I walked into the kitchen and started to warm up some blood.

I then heard someone behind me. I turned around to see Jane. "Hey Jane what's up?" I asked.

"Why are you disguised again?" She asked looking at me.

"I don't know I think I'm ugly in that form." I said looking at her.

"What makes you say that?" She asked looking at me.

"Well you were staring at me when I reverted back to normal." I said looking at her.

"W-well you see-" she said looking at me I cut her off however.

"It's fine you're not the first to stare at me. I've accepted the fact that I'm ugly." I said looking at her.

"You're not ugly." She said looking at me. "Transform back into your regular form." She commanded I nodded and transformed.

I looked at her and she kissed my cheek. Once again I felt that foreign unknown feeling again. It felt like someone was twisting around my stomach. I didn't know what to do about this. DAMN I NEED TO FIGURE OUT WHAT THAT IS!

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