Chapter 2

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Cato's POV:

I haven't felt this way for a while, and it feels, somewhat comforting. Almost like it has been happening forever. But in reality, just a few months. I can't believe how time flies. But at least I'm the luckiest guy in the world.  Having a girlfriend like Iris, she's smart, funny, kind, and brave. I turn to look at her, and she stops. Flinging her blonde hair back as she looks at me. It's like she's in slow motion. Like the commercials, my grandmother used to tell me about before Panem was created.  I lean down to kiss her again and when our lips touch, they're soft, and her breath smells like chocolate. She pulls back and looks at me.

"No more untill we get to my house. We'll be late." She says, taking my hand and walking forward.

We walk in silence untill we get to her home and I take my shoes off at the door and carry them upstairs.

"You can head up to my room, your spare change of clothes are where they normally are. I just need to let my sister know we are home and your with me. She said while going through a hallway and turning into an open door. 

I go upstairs, and grab the set of clothes from her closet. I stay over so much that sometimes I forget a spare change of clothes, so she took some of my clothes and put them in her closet to "Surprise me". It's been a little inside joke between the two of us. I go to the bathroom and undress myself, changing into the comfy night clothes. 

I walk out and put my clothes in my bag. I don't see Iris yet so I assume she's still talking to her sister. I walk down the stairs to her kitchen and grab an apple from the basket of fruit. I bite into it and the sweat, tangy juice fills my mouth. They have always been my favorite snack. I see Iris walk out and call her over.

"You know we only get apples mainly for you, right?" She asks, getting a soda from the fridge.

"Really? I thought you all liked apples!" Cato said.

"Yeah, Rose is allergic and I don't like the juice that comes from it."

"But thats the best part! I mean there are yellow apples, that don't have juice but I prefer red." I say.

"Ha. Sure." She says, getting up and sitting on the counter.

"How long have your parents been out?" I ask, curious about her parents. 

"Oh uhm, Ive kind of lost count of how long. I stopped keeping track after the first 2 months." 

"Okay..." I say, taking another bite of apple.

I got suspisious after a while. You can't visit other districts without special permission from the capitol. Could her parents be peacekeepers? They rotate districts sometimes in the upper districts. I'll just go with it I guess. But I'm definetly going to ask again later.

"Cato! Are you listening?" Iris asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry," I say. "Just thinking about stuff."

"I asked if you wanna go to bed." Iris said.

"Yeah sure, I was getting tired anyway." I say and drop the apple core into the compost.

We walk upstairs, hand in hand and Iris walks into her room.

"I'ma use the bathroom real quick." I say and walk to the bathroom.

 When I'm done, I go back to Iris's room, putting some things into my bag. I look up and find Iris, reading a book on her bed, propped up against a comfy pillow. I walk over and open up the covers. I climb in with her and put my arm around her shoulders. Pulling her in.

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