Chapter 5

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Iris POV:

My eyes open slowly and I stare blankly at the ceiling above me. 

Where am I? I think and my head moves around. To my left, a machine, tracking the beat of my heart, and other machines around me make me feel like a test subject. 

I look to my right and I see Cato,  sitting up, in bed, staring blankly at the wall in front of him.

"Cato?" I say in a soft and quiet voice.

His head jerks over to where I lay and our eyes locked. 

"Iris!" He said and jumped out of his bed, running to where I lay. "Your awake!"

"My head hurts like crazy," I say, and it's true, the pounding headache makes me nauseous.

"It's okay. Your okay." He says, sitting next to me on the bed and kissing me all over.

"What happened?" I ask, still confused.

"I don't know, all I know is what happened with me and my fight with Justin. I don't know anything else." He says, stroking my hair.

My eyes burst into tears at the word Justin. That stupid rat.  I look at the cuts on my shoulder and thighs and Cato's eyes widen when he sees them.

"Oh, Justin. What have you done? I'M GONNA KILL YOU JUSTIN!" He screamed, startling me. "What did he do to you after I went out?"

"He... he came over and k-kissed me." My words were broken.

"Oh, I'm gonna kill him even more. Anything else? What about these cuts?"

"After he kissed me, he kept stabbing me and eventually just cut me. Leaving me to die. But he said something to me. I think it was like, "If I can't have you, no one can. Oh my gosh, Cato! He was trying to kill me!" I squirm, trying to get out. "Cato, I'm scared!"

"It's okay, he's not going to get us. We're safe." He said, pressing gently back down on my shoulders, lowering me back into the bed, and pressing a button on the bed armrest. "I just called the nurse, She'll be in, in a moment."

"I wish my mom and dad were here," I say, quietly.

"You want who?" Cato asks, coming closer.

"I wish my mom and dad were here," I say a bit louder.

"Do you want to send them a letter? Asking them to come home?"  

"If only I could. They're gone, Cato." I say but cover my mouth as soon as I say it. I forgot it was a secret.  Stupid anastetia. Why does it have to be this way. I knew after I said it, I have  made a terrible mistake.

"Gone? You mean dead?! You've been lying to me? We said no secrets between each other!"

What have I done? I thought. I had broken our promise. Why? Why you stupid Idiot! 

"I'm s-sorry," I say, crying and curling into a ball.

"You promised, no secrets." He said getting off the bed just as the nurse came in.

"Oh, Iris! You're awake! I'm so glad!" She said in her normal, high-pitched cheery voice. I'd been in here a couple of times before and it was so annoying. Who am I kidding? She was from the Capitol! Of course, she had a high-pitched voice. Ugh, I wish I could get rid of her. I mean I tried once. I wanted to shove her against the wall hard. Just so she could leave me alone.

Once she finished all of her observations and set up some new medication she turned around to look at us.

"You both should be able to leave the hospital tomorrow afternoon if all the treatment is completed, and I might suggest not picking a fight with Justin anymore." 

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