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Hi! Finally the main story line! A bit of sweet stuff of Mother and Son(y/n)

Let's go➡️➡️

"(y/n), are you alright?" Isabella asked the small boy who was sitting on the bed with his hands on his head.

"Mama...there's a voice appeared in my head ever since my birthday pass..." (y/n) answered, he looked as if he is going to cry at any moment.

"A voice?" Isabella muttered, she then remembered the voice of her 'Mama' when she was in the 'orphanage'.

She took a deep breath before saying this, "So... you got a monster inside you too, (y/n)."

"Monster?" The boy was confused, he blinked his beautiful (e/c) eyes, facing the caretaker.

"Everyone got a monster, it's your deepest desire, a voice that is what you wanted." Isabella said the exact same words that her caretaker had said.

"Deepest desire?" (y/n) repeated, thinking of what does the word means.

"Hm, just remember this,(y/n). Don't reject the voice, listen to it, take it as a helper, but...think about it before you do anything, alright?" She said softly, the memories that she locked inside her heart were escaping from the cage.

"Ok!" The young boy agreed, although he was not sure about the meaning.

"But Mama, do you have a monster inside of you too?" He asked curiously.

"Oh..." Isabella was definitely not expecting this, she closed her eyes before smiling at the boy and said, "Yes, I do, (y/n), I used to have it inside of me, but all these years passed, I began to ignore it, and it disappeared slowly."

"It disappeared?"

Isabella just smiled at the innocent boy and patted his head, the conversation was over.

"(y/n)? Wake up, (y/n)!"

"Hm?" (y/n) rubbed his eyes and yawned, "Ray?"

"Come on, we are helping with breakfast, aren't we?" Ray said.

"Are we?" (y/n) asked, he still wanted to sleep.

"That wasn't a question, let's go." Ray replied before pulling (y/n) to the lunch hall.

With Emma(main story line:))

Emma walked into the lunch hall, everyone was already there, the younger kids were helping with the plates and stuff, and Norman was there too.

"Good morning, Emma." He said to her.

"Good morning, Norman!" Emma smiled back, the memory of yesterday night flashed back.

"Listen, Emma, you have to act like nothing happened, because from now on, Mama is our enemy, and changing to our behaviour will made us suspicious."

"Tonight we broke the rule and went to the gate, and found out the secret of the house, but we will pretend we didn't see or know anything." Norman finished.

"But little Bernie!" Emma pointed out.

"Yes, we left it there but Mama will never have the evidence of is it us who left it there."Norman said, he was confident about this.

"The main point is, we have to keep it a secret at all costs, because Mama will eventually find out about Bernie, so we can't look suspicious or else..." Norman voice echoed inside Emma's head...

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⏰ Last updated: 10 hours ago ⏰

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