Chapter 10

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Waking up I knew I was off. It was one of the days I woke up feeling just angry and sad. At least today it was more sad then angry. But I knew that could change at any time. Walking on eggshells for myself was hard but I was used to it. 

I stood in the hot shower for as long as I could but I felt dizzy. I lazily got ready attempting to still look presentable and went downstairs to the kitchen.

Going through the motions of greeting parents, I shoved down the stuffed French toast my mom had made and grabbed my backpack.

I begrudgingly headed out the door after an extremely sweet breakfast to go pick up Emaline for school. Driving on autopilot I was at her house before I knew it.

"Hey bitchhh" she yelled jumping into the car and slamming her lips onto mine.

"Hey Em" I laughed lightly pushing her away after a second, surprisingly not annoyed with it for once.

"We need to plan and set up for auditions today. What monologue are you going with?" She asked putting her feet up on the dash and popping her gum as always. It used to annoy the shit outta me but I was forced to get used to it.

"Oh yeah, I'm not sure I haven't decided ye-"

"You haven't decided yet!?! Your gonna fuck it up if you don't have enough time to rehearse it." She shouted cutting me off before I could finish.

And there it is. The usual.

"If you would let me fucking speak" I snapped at her pissed she would say that to me when I'm a much better actor then her and we both know it.

"I have two I'm trying to choose between and before you ask it's none of your business." I replied back coldly now extremely annoyed her and trying not to speed too bad on the way to school.

"Damn sorry, don't throw a hissy fit." She responded in a bitchy tone trying to piss me off even more as she always does.

'Why did I think this relationship was getting any better?' I thought trying to ignore her pulling into the school parking lot.

I needed to get my head under control now before I snapped.

I turned the car off hastily, got out of my seat, slammed the door and walked away. A futile attempt at avoiding a major scene with her right now.

"Really?! You're ignoring me like the little bitch baby you are! You're a pussy Oliver!" She shouted genuinely angry because I did the one thing she can't stand the most; I ignored her.

Unable to resist the fury building inside me at the word she watched bullies use against me growing up I spun around and faced her.

"FUCK YOU Emaline, fuck you, you're a filthy fucking whore. I know you'll get the part because you are amazing at being a cheap, open legged slut! We're done! Don't fucking come crawling back to me." I screamed at her my entire body burning in rage. I was done with her, I didn't give a fuck anymore and didn't care enough to see her reaction.

I jumped back into my car not feeling like being at the school all day anymore for any reason. I started it up and reversed out of the parking lot violently barely missing Emaline. I flipped off the back window, put the car into gear and drove out of the parking lot.

I knew I would get an earful from my mom later and have a major breakdown but for now I just needed to get away from everyone and everything in this fucked up boring ass town.

Third Person POV

"HOLY FUCK!" Luke shouted with his jaw dropped at the sight of what happened. Oliver had just driven off leaving screech marks from when he turned roughly onto the Main Street out of the parking lot. Everyone was just staring at Emaline sob with her hands covering her face didn't even notice an annoying freshman had shouted the thought they were all having.

"Pick your jaw up Luke, you'll catch flies." Mcquaid responded in an annoyed tone. Less caring about the situation and more about his friend drawing attention to them. He was just determined to fly under the radar until graduation.

Then the whispering began. It it got louder and busier and worse.

"She probably cheated on him again"

"Probably with his dad"

"I heard she lets dozens of guys do her at once"

"I heard she's a stripper"

"I heard she's a hooker"

Until Emaline just couldn't fucking take it anymore.

"I can fucking hear you!" She turned around and shouted. Globs of black mascara running down her face. "It's not a show but if your gonna watch you might as well pay!" She screamed beginning to storm towards the crowd.

Like the red seas parted so did the student body as a somewhat crazed (not completely but enough) Emaline stomped through straight towards Luke, Mcquaid and Tyler.

"Luke look what you did!" An extremely tense Mcquaid whisper shouted at Luke.

"I didn't know she'd flip out!" He responded equally as tense if not even more.

"Shut the fuck up!" Emaline screeched in their faces. Not jumping out of the way quick enough to avoid her wrath. She pushed Luke and Mcquaid out of the way as hard as she could. Ignoring them falling to the ground she grabbed a still shocked and overwhelmed Tyler. As she dragged him being the school into the trees neither of them said anything.

Finally when they reached what looked to be a small alcove and only after she threw herself onto the ground against a small tree stump did one of them speak.

"A-are y—you o-okay E-Emaline?" Tyler said softly to her gently reaching out to her but not touching her.

She broke down sobbing again and gently but forcefully grabbed him into a hug.

So Tyler just sat there with her. She just needed a should to cry on right now he knew it.

He always did the same thing for his mom.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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