Sparrow's abuse - @The_UltimateWOF_Fan

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The_UltimateWOF_Fan this was hard but fun! (I wrote this as of when she was younger, if that's okay)

I realise now this was supposed to be the same story you wrote in her character file... oops... 🤦‍♀️I misinterpreted your message and thought I was supposed to do a completely new one, sorry...

I know dragons don't cook their food (shh yes they do) and I probably got a few other details wrong but here you are:

Sunrise. Keep thinking of Sunrise. Sparrow urged himself as she landed on the doorway of his parents' hut. But it was pretty hard to focus on good things whilst awaiting living hell.

The shrill sound of his mother's shrieking and many bangs filled the air as she set foot inside. Sparrow sucked in a deep breath, but she didn't get far before his mother spotted her.

"SPARROW!" she yelled, spittle flying from her mouth. "GET IN HERE, NOW!"

Sparrow wished she could be brave enough to refuse, or to turn away. But she hung his head and trotted into the room reluctantly.

Finch spun immediately threw a pan she'd picked up off the wall at her, which clashed painfully against her skull. Sparrow let out a little yelp and tears of pain pooled in the corners of her eyes. Meanwhile his mother stared at her incredulously.

"You were supposed to CATCH IT, you NUMBSKULL! NOW COOK!"

Sparrow gulped down her fears and set the pan on the floor, scooping up an armful of twigs to sustain a fire.

"That's it, chop chop! Your father will want dinner when he gets back, unless you want  him to STARVE, you UNGRATEFUL SWINE!"

Without warning, Finch suddenly unhinged her jaw and a jet of flame shot out onto the pile of sticks, covering Sparrow's paw in the process. She screamed as the agony was trapped under her scales, frying them to a crisp and turning them black. Sparrow yanked her talons away from the heat - but her entire paw had already started turning white and swollen.

Sparrow whimpered, caressing her paw, but her mother only scoffed at her  "That's just a little SINGE, stop WHINING LIKE A DRAGONET!"

"I-I am a d-dragonet" Sparrow stuttered, still gasping for breath.




Sparrow cried out in pain at she struck her paw, and when it fell to the floor limply, crushed it under her foot. Tears were falling fast from her eyes as she cowered under his mother's shadow. "SEE! TIS' BUT A SCRATCH!" she growled. "NOW GET COOKING!"

Her chest heaving in an effort not to throw up from the pain, Sparrow dragged herself over to the fire and drowned the world out with the sounds of sizzling prey. She tried to keep her crying silent as possible, but as soon as another dragon landed directly behind her, she knew it would be impossible.

Sparrow tensed, and she squeezed her eyes shut for the inevitable strike.

"You're poisoning our food with your tears, you FILTHY LITTLE WORM!" He growled.


There it was.

"Get. To your nest. NOW." He snarled. "Before you do anything else stupid that I'll have to stop!"

Sparrow nodded hurriedly and darted out of the room before her father could change his mind.

Part of Sparrow wanted to scream her pains out to the world, but she gave in to the part telling her to curl up in her nest. Sparrow tucked her injured paw in closely, and let her tears roll past her cheeks and onto her scales below.

If only she could've been born into a better family. She wondered what it would be like to be ... loved. Sparrow shook her head sadly.
That was never going to happen here.

She looked up to the sky one more time, murmuring a name. A symbol of safety.


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