Mini story from Dying Embers

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Yeah you may have noticed I unpublished that qna book for my OCs - I'm sorry but honestly I just had too much to work on back then.

Buuuut, I do really like the story from it, so, it's being relocated here!

Question: what are you daily lives like?

-WoF group one appears-

Star: Hello guys! Acerola, could you tell me what you daily lives are like?

Acerola: Oh, sure okay! Our daily lives are...

Acerola: Fun!

Awlet: Cold.

Koi: that's because you sat in the fridge, you numpty.

Acerola: school days are fine because we're all working-

Starlurer: What world are you living in?

Awlet: Yeah, have you been paying attention these last few months?

Acerola: um... Okay, well, mostly we're working-

Starlurer: Ace literally yesterday you made coffee with salt.

Koi: Awlet woke me up at three in the morning to tell me he was making cheese straws.

Acerola: Wait, how come I didn't hear about this? With what cheese?

Koi: *grimly* exactly.

Awlet: I was hungry!

Starlurer: You also can't cook!

Acerola: *sighs* So, life is a little hectic maybe-

Awlet: A little? We do crazy stuff every day, are you serious?

Acerola: Well... It's not that crazy!

Awlet: *sarcastically* Starting a black market of Yo-yo's isn't crazy.

Koi: playing connect four all night isn't crazy.

Starlurer: plotting homicide isn't crazy.

Acerola: *gives him the glare*

Starlurer: Um, I mean, yes it is! Very crazy! Would never dream of that, ever ever!

Acerola: Fine, so we're not very normal.

Awlet: I'm convinced we're all a bunch of depressed horses.

Acerola: Oh my moons, Awlet, if you're going to keep interrupting me, why don't you just answer the question yourself!

Awlet: What a stellar idea!

Awlet: I present to you, a day in the life of Awlet. *Picks up a heavy book from nowhere and opens it up*

Koi: where did you get that from?

Awlet: No clue. Now shush and listen.

Awlet: A typical day goes like this... Wake up at 2. Wake up Koi, using various means.

Koi: Oh so that's why you started playing the ukulele loudly last night.

Awlet: Find something to complain about. Complain about it for an hour to anyone that will listen. Insult Starlurer.

Starlurer: Hey!

Awlet: Oh, quick amendment to that. Insult Starlurer and Voidhunter. Go to classes. Annoy teachers in any way possible. Beat my friends at chess again.

Starlurer: But you've never beaten us at chess! Ever!

Awlet: *playful glare* I never said I was talking about you guys.

Acerola: We are your only friends.

Awlet: That is awfully assumptitioustive of you, Acerola. Really, I expected better.

Koi: Awlet, language, remember.

Awlet: Sorry, I meant that is truly disheartening of you, Acerola. Really, I had beliefs that you'd behave in a more courteous fashion.

Koi: *smiles, shaking their head*

Acerola: Are we going to finish this question or not?!

Awlet: Fine, fine. We do stupid stuff all day, Acerola tries to be good but we're all feral, we go back to our hideout, hang out for a bit -

Koi: definitely not playing Connect four obsessively.

Awlet: - Koi beats us all at connect four, we go back to our caves, and go to sleep. Lather, rinse, repeat. *Glares at Acerola* happy now?

Acerola: *sighs* I - yes, fine, whatever. Can we go now?

Star: yup, you're free to go! Bye! Until next time! *Whispering* Koilet for liiiiiife

Awlet: WHAT---

-WoF group one disappears-

Also yes I am aware that Dying Embers is in die-re (y-yes, pun FULLY INTENDED) need of a rewrite, but I'm going to finish the book first 😅

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