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The alarm bell was ringing and waking everyone up to get ready for breakfast. Y/n got out of her futon, grumpy as ever. She went to wash her face, change into her new school uniform and get ready before going to school. She took her breakfast and packed it. Lucy and the other kids looked at y/n. She didn't eat since yesterday's lunch and she was visibly getting skinnier. Lucy decided to speak to her.

"N/n, why don't you eat first? You'll be weak at school." she said as she stood up to make place for y/n to sit. "I'm not hungry. I'll eat at school." y/n said as she put her food in the lunchbox. She sat silently in the corner of the room until it was time to go. She took her stuff and headed towards the U.A, accompanied by Lucy.

They arrived after a half an hour long walk. Y/n was silent as always, but her heart was racing like crazy. "Just be cold towards everyone and don't let anyone near you" she thought for herself. Lucy and her parted ways in a hallway and she was alone in front of a big door.
"1-A..." she said silently. As soon as she opened the door, she was met with pure chaos. A guy with glasses was scolding everyone, most of them were squealing, some blonde guy was yelling... she sighed before she went to the back of the class where 3 people were sitting in silence.
"They seem tolerable" she thought before she took a seat in front of a very gorgeous girl with a high ponytail.

"Uhh, excuse me, I'm Momo Yaoyorozu, it's nice to meet you" she said calmly as she extended her hand towards y/n. Y/n hesitated for a second that took her to think about it. "Well, she's a classmate, knowing my name won't hurt." she thought
"L/n y/n." she said quietly. Momo gave her a warm smile. She ignored it and turned around. Momo didn't think much of it because she thought that y/n was shy.
Y/n on the other hand, thought that Momo was actually nice because she didn't seem to have bad intentions. Y/n just still wasn't comfortable around people and couldn't let her walls down.

She observed the other two boys. One had a head of a bird and he seemed kinda scary. The other boy really caught y/n's eyes. He seemed tall, had a two toned hair - his left side being crimson red and his right side being white. She noticed that he also had heterochromia iridum. His bangs and crimson hair couldn't cover the burn mark on his left side. Even with that, y/n thought that he was really good looking. He seemed kinda antisocial. Y/n thought that he kinda looks familiar.

"Oh, that's Todoroki Shoto. He's Endeavor's son. I didn't really talk to him, but he seems okay." Momo said to y/n quietly.
"Ohh, was I staring? That was rude of me" y/n said as her cheeks became slightly pink
"I wouldn't call that staring, you were just observing your classmates. Don't worry l/n, it's fine." she said. "Thank you Yaoyorozu." y/n replied. "You can call me Momo." she said and gave y/n a big smile. "You can also call me y/n." y/n said quietly. The homeroom teacher has entered the classroom and y/n turned to him. She thought about Momo. "She doesn't seem like a bad person at all. Maybe I'll warm up to her after some time." she thought.

She went to find Lucy and go with her for the lunch break but she was already hanging out with her classmates and their table was full.
"Ohh, sorry y/n. Try to sit with your classmates, have some fun! Maybe you befriend someone."she said before she turned back to her new friends. Y/n was okay with that. For majority of their childhood Lucy was stuck with y/n and did everything to make her comfortable. She did have social skills and could be friends with anyone but she often turned people down just so that y/n doesn't feel alone.

Y/n went outside of the school building to look for some quiet place to eat. She saw Todoroki on one of the benches and she was about to pass by and sit on the next one. "You can join me." Todoroki said as she was passing by. "Thank you. " she said quietly as she sat on the other side of the bench. "I'm Todoroki Shoto." he said as he extended his hand. Y/n took his hand and introduced herself. After that, they ate in silence. She didn't mind because it was comfortable for her. He also didn't mind because she was quiet and didn't bother him.

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