Chapter Five

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Grace Agreste:

"That's it for today, Parisians. See you all next time. Alya out."

The red tab flashed and minimised. Grace sighed and turned off her phone. She had just spent the last hour catching up to all the drama in Paris. Bottom line, it was just wow.

She laid back on the bed and closed her eyes, her fist clutching her phone. News seemed to travel really fast around the website. News. Hmm. She popped her eyes back open and opened the LadyBlog again. The latest video was at the top, with a new exciting title. "A New Hero in Paris?!"

Grace narrowed her eyes and clicked on the video. As usual it started with Alya introducing herself, then showing the new images of the day. She fast forwarded a bit then paused it. Ah. There it was, the new heroine. News did travel fast since that incident happened just that day.

The video was paused on a new face. Well, to be more clear, her face. Her face glared at her through the screen. She watched as she, or past her, made conversation with Ladybug and very heroically saved the day. Surprise.

Ha, Grace chuckled at the thought. Saved the day. It was very much in contrast to the actual situation that she caused back in New York. She squeezed her eyes tight shut at that memory. Not today Satan, not taking a trip down memory lane today.

An abrupt knock on the door made her snap out of her thoughts. She angled her head from her bed and looked at her door. It was Adrien. Grace groaned and dropped her head back on the bed.

"Heyyyyy, you okay?" asked Adrien, pausing on her couch.

Time to get some answers.

"Do I look okay?" She shook her head. "No. No, I'm not okay, Adrien. Not okay at all. WHAT was that today?" She sat up then looked him in the eye.

"Yup, knew you'd react like this." Adrien said, then winced, realising that was the wrong thing to say. Before he could say anything else, Grace gave out a humourless laugh.

"React like what, Adrien? To this? You have an alert on your phone for that- that thing." She raised her hands, waiting for it to make sense. Adrien sighed and sat on her bed. He opened his mouth and closed it again. He stayed quiet for a few beats until-

"Okay you know what," Grace scooched towards him and gripped his hand very tightly. "Let me ask you some questions since you seem to have lost your ability to speak. How long has this been going on?"

"For four years- oh my gods, why is your grip so tight?"

"Shut up. Why has the news never leaked out of Paris?"

Adrien snatched his hand away from her and said. "I would presume that our father and the Mayor have agreed on not letting that happen. You know the panic it would cause? And of course, they can't let this stain their reputations." He snorted and continued, "Plus, there's gotta be something at work." Grace frowned but Adrien waved his hand, not wanting to be interrupted. "I mean, look, there's teenagers who use magic jewels to turn into superheroes and there's supervillains after said jewels. There's gotta be something at work."

Adrien sighed and then looked at her again. "This is definitely going to take time and I swear I'll explain everything to you. Have you got any small questions for me?"

Grace turned to look at him. "How do you know so much about this? I doubt father shares even a shred of information at dinner."

"Like he even has dinner with me," said Adrien.

"Which brings me to my point. How do you know so much?"

Adrien's ears turned pink. "About what? The only things I've told you are that this has been going on for 4 years and that news doesn't leak out of Paris. What more could you have possibly gleaned from this? You're the one you asked about in the first place!"

"Yeah, I asked because you offered that information. Do you really think I'm that stupid? You obviously know more about this than you're letting on!" Grace paused to take a breath. "Look, I'm sorry about freaking out. I'm just-" She shrugged her shoulders. "You know, tired. And other things."

"You're shaken up, I get it."

She looked at him pointedly. "Do you, Adrien?"

He coughed into his fist then got up. "How about we forget about it for the time being? It's been a long day for the both of us. Dinner's at 7 and I convinced Nathalie to get pizza. You can thank me later, kid."

"Keep dreaming." Grace scrunched her nose. "And we're the same age." Adrien rolled his eyes at that.

"Oh and, how do you feel about me beating your butt at Mario Kart later today, huh?" Grace asked, with an air of mock superiority. "Just to work out whatever tense air is hanging between us right now."

Adrien laughed out loud at this and said, "You beat me? I did not know you had a sense of humour."

"And I didn't know you understood jokes. Now you can get out of my room. Go on, get." He put up his hands and backed out of the room.

Grace lied back down on the bed and tried to recount the events of the day:

Chat Noir has said it was an enhanced akuma.

Ladybug already knew.

Ladybug said that they were in trouble because Hawkmoth is able to destroy the charms.

Ladybug and Chat Noir patrolled at 9:00 pm everyday.

She needed to be there at 9 too.

Grace opened her eyes and sat up. She took off her bracelet and examined it. She thought about the earlier events of the day, especially about Adrien's comment about the bracelet. Well, he was right. It was special. It could do many things, most of them she did today. She wanted to call the Master, tell her about today. You know, vent about it. But she knew not to bother her during this time.

What would she say? Grace hadn't even found out anything about this strange world of Miraculouses. She'd have to press Ladybug and Chat Noir discreetly, for more answers.

Grace glanced at her phone's lock screen and noticed the time. It was 5:39 and she definitely had time to rest before dinner and then patrol. She still needed to introduce herself properly. 

(A/N: Feedback is appreciated!)

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