Chapter 9

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 I was awake earlier than anyone else. I pressed the ice pack to my jaw because somehow the pain was numbing to everything else. I was sat on the living room couch where Calum was sleeping but I was sure not to disturb him. The only reason I 'm sat here is because the kitchen was a mess and it wasn't my mess to clean up anymore.

 Luke was sleeping by my feet. I watched him as he slept, he looked so cuddly and cute I couldn't help but smile. There was a movement beside me and Calum woke up.

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to wake you." I said, starting to get up.

He pulled me back to sit down. "It's okay." He moved closer to me and took the ice pack from my hand.

He put the ice pack on my jaw. I sighed as the coolness touched my bruise. "This sucks big time." He said. "You don't deserve any of this."

"Thanks." I looked at the floor. I was perfectly aware that Calum was staring at me but I was shy to meet his gaze. He put the ice pack down and turned my head to his.

Before I knew it his lips were on mine. He was kissing me and out of my control, I kissed him back. He touched my face with his hand and I winced, breaking the kiss.

"Sorry." He said, looking away.

"For which part? Kissing me or touching my bruise?" I joked.

"Both." He rubbed his hands together. "I guess it's not really a surprise about my feelings towards you."

"No, it is. I didn't know you felt that way." I admitted.

"I thought it was obvious. You must be quite oblivious, Cali." Calum stated.

"I guess I am." I agreed.

"Do you...feel the same way?"

"No. I'm sorry." Of course the one time I choose to be truthful, it had to be now. I almost slapped myself.

"I didn't think you did." He said, as if he already knew my answer. "I hope this doesn't make things weird between us."

"No. It won't." I geniunely smiled at him.

"Things could change, you know? If you want me, I'll still be here." He shrugged. With that he grabbed a towel and headed upstairs to take a shower.


        I wish I had known how Calum felt about me but what difference would it have made? I couldn't be with him. It wouldn't be right. He deserved someone better than me. He didn't deserve someone who liked someone else and had a mess they had to clean up before even thinking about a relationship.

        These thoughts ran through my head as I was staring at the broken kitchen table. As soon as this tour was over, I had to come back here and pack everything I owned. It was time to say goodbye but not now.

        "Hey, we gotta go." Luke said, taking my bag from beside me.

        So we walked out the door and I closed it behind me. I took a glance back at the house that held many mixed memories before entering the tour bus. It was a huge one, I had to admit it.

        "This is where we sleep." Michael showing me the bunk beds that were attached on top of one another.

        "This should be interesting." I laughed.

        "I pick middle bunk!" Ashton screamed, entering the middle bunk on the left side.

        "I don't know about you, but I'm doing the same." Gracie claimed, throwing her bags in the right side.

        "If you ask me," Luke whispered to me. "The top bunk is the best."

        I nodded and he helped me up the top one. "Just put all your stuff animals in there, I'm sure it'll make you feel right at home." Luke said and I threw a pillow at him.

        "Speak for yourself." I pointed to his teddy bear that was at the corner of his bunk.

        "Please. Mr. Cuddly bops is hardly a stuffed animal. He's family." He giggled.

        "Cuddly bops? You're a real man aren't you, Luke?" I laid on my bunk, looking at him.

        "I'm only joking." He said, throwing the pillow back at me. "His name is Freddie; I had him since I was five."

        "That's sweet." I said as I looked at the small teddy bear with a red bow on his neck.

        "And you?" He motioned towards my bag. I pulled out my stuffed animal which was a camel my mother had gotten me from her trip to Egypt.

        "Out of all the things I thought I would bond with you over, it wasn't stuffed animals." I grinned. He laughed, jumping down.

        I saw Calum looking at me so I offered a smile before jumping down myself. "Let's go for dinner, I'm starved." Michael told the driver and he nodded.

        After about fifteen minutes of driving, we stopped in front of a pizza place. It was all these boys seemed to eat, to be honest. As we walked I noticed Gracie walking with Ashton, who seemed to take an interest in her lately.

        We entered the pizza place, sat down and ordered. I noticed a couple of people taking pictures of us from where they were sitting which I briefly mentioned to Ashton as we were eating. He said it was normal for them and it was best to ignore it.

        There were paparazzi everywhere even normal people were practically stalkers of them. That's what Michael said.

        "Its how fame works, we have to deal with it." Calum shrugged.

        "What's the worst that could happen?" Gracie asked.

        "Someone picking their nose." Luke joked, looking at me. I remembered he said the same thing on our date.

        The rest of them burst out in laughter. So we ate and we talked and I was so happy by the time we walked back to the tour bus. The driver started driving the minute we were all in. I went to the incredibly tiny bathroom to change into my sleepwear.

        Once I got out I realized everyone was already in their bunks except for Calum and Michael who were on Calum's laptop watching something.

        "Goodnight guys." I said and they waved at me with headphones over their ears.

        I climbed the top bunk and pulled the blankets over me. I closed the tiny curtain to block out the light. Just as I was about to fall asleep, my curtain pulled open a little bit and I see Luke's hand near my face.

        "You can reach from all the way over there?" I asked.

        "Long arms?" He grinned. "You didn't say goodnight." He made a pouty face.

        "Goodnight, Luke." I smiled at him, closing my eyes and not bothering to pull the curtain back.

        "Goodnight, Cali." I heard him say as I drift into sleep. 

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