Chapter 12

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I don't know how but half of the tour seemed to fly by. The boys had performed in the smallest towns and the biggest cities. Gracie and I were with them every night, sharing the memory. I never took one moment for granted because I knew almost any girl would give up everything to be in my place right now.

But I was anxious about the next stop. I had been dreading it since I got on this tour bus. Brisbane. I knew we were here for three nights. But I didn't even know the venue. Either way I don't think I'll be able to make it to the Brisbane shows. I'll be too busy held up with my mom.

I was lying in my bunk, it was late at night. I was pondering over what I would say to my mom when I see her. A lot of things ran through my mind but nothing seemed right.

I opened the curtain of my bunk and reached my hand across to pull open Luke's. He was sleeping. He looked so beautiful with the blanket pulled over him and his head nuzzled into the pillow. Why did I like someone I couldn't have?

I was about to pull his curtain back when he stopped me. "Is there a reason you're watching me sleep?" He whispered.

I laughed softly. "I can't sleep."

"Maybe because you're missing this." I saw him fidget for something and he pulled out my stuffed panda.

I took it in my arms and cuddled it. He didn't draw the curtains back but he looked at me from the small gap I opened with his baby blue eyes that I loved.

"Everything's going to be alright, Cali." He reassured me as if he knew what I was debating about in my mind. I trusted him and fell asleep as soon as his eyes slipped mine.

After a few hours of sleep and a shower I sat alone in the front of the tour bus, waiting for it to stop. The sun only began to rise once it did and I took a deep breath.

I turned on my phone and glanced at the address my mother sent me. I looked out the window and saw that we arrived at another venue and I assumed we'd be parked here for the rest of the stop. I just had to get up and take a cab to wherever this was.

I packed a small bag and started writing a note to leave the others to tell them where I was going. Although I wasn't sure if I should go alone. I see Luke waking up and I walk over to his bunk.

"I'm off to see my mother." I tell him as he steps out.

"Now?" He asked and I nodded. "Are you going alone? Don't you want to wake Gracie up?"

I shook my head and he took my hands in his. "I know you're afraid to ask for help. But we're all willing to help you whatever you want, Cali. You just have to say the words."

He was right. I never wanted to burden people with my problems but maybe I should start asking for help. Especially things I couldn't do on my own. "In that case, would you like to come with me to see my mother? I could really use the company." I asked him.

"I'd be happy to." He grinned. "Let me take a shower first, yeah?"

After 20 minutes we were ready to go. I left a note for the others and Luke and I walked out of the tour bus. Luke told their manager where he was going to be and left.

We got a cab not after long and I passed the address on. Fifteen minutes had passed and we arrived in front of a white mansion. When we got out I asked myself if it was the right address or not but deep down I knew it was.

I rang the doorbell that was beside two very large bronze doors. A butler came to open it and Luke exchanged looks with me. The inside was even grander than the outside. Every single corner of the room was furnished with paintings or leather couches and carpeted floors. Much like any other mansion.

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