Chapter 10

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"Wakey-wakey!" Luke yells at me. I almost fell out of the middle bunk.

"Luke!" I threw my pillow at him. "Don't scare me like that."

He catches the pillow in his hand and puts it back on the bed for me. "Listen, there's only one shower and six of us. The earlier you get it, the better. Trust me."

"Fine." I muttered. I got out of the bed and the shower was already unoccupied so I slipped in quickly. Had to admit it was very small and uncomfortable but I managed to get myself clean.

We arrived at the first stadium they were going to play at and we all got our stuff to go in. It was so incredibly huge. It reminded me of my concert and I smiled to myself at the thought.

Gracie and I were allowed to keep our bags backstage but we decided to sit in the audience seats to watch the boys do sound check. They were just playing a few notes and singing a bit, adjusting their mics and guitars.

Ashton waved over to Gracie so she got up on stage to talk to him. I was sitting with my feet propped up on the chair in front of me. I decided to join them on stage and watch them play from there.

"You look so bored." Calum commented.

"I'm not, I promise." I assured.

"Let me teach you how to play bass." Calum took off his guitar and placed it around me. "So put your fingers here and then strum it. Just for starters."

He took my hand to adjust where I should put it and I suddenly got shy. I strummed, like he asked but he was so close to me I couldn't concentrate.

"It's taking almost all of me not to kiss you again." He confessed, looking up at me.

"I'm sorry, Calum." I stopped strumming. "There's just someone else."

"I thought so." He shrugged.

"You deserve someone who wants to be with you, it's just not me." I felt so bad for rejecting him. I placed my hand on his cheek and kissed the other.

"I'm not going to give up so easily. Like I said, if you change your mind: I'm going to be here." He removed my hand from his face and I gave him back his guitar.

The day passed and soon they were rocking out on stage. Gracie and I watched from backstage, dancing along to every beat. "We get this for the next two months? How lucky are we?" She asked.

I told her that we were pretty lucky. After the show was over, we were in the tour bus when Ashton spotted a carnival as we were driving. "Let's go have some fun tonight." Ashton told us and we agreed, getting out of the bus.

We all pretty much went our own ways. I wanted to hang out with Gracie but I saw she was already with Ashton at the hot dog stand so I didn't want to bother them. Gracie deserved some happiness in her life; I wasn't going to ruin it.

I see Luke standing alone, gazing at something so I walked over to him. "You wanna play?" I pointed to the archery stand with loads of stuffed animals around it.

"Sure. You can win one for me." He joked.

We had to use a bow and arrows to knock down moving bottles. I went first and managed to actually win it.

"Looks like you're actually getting that stuffed animal." I told Luke. "Which do you want?"

He pointed over to the monkey and I took it down for him. "You know usually the guy gets the stuffed animal for the girl. Just saying." I teased him.

"Don't pull this romantic crap on me." said Luke. "Oh man, now I have to get you something."

He spotted another store with more stuffed animals so he went in and started throwing rings on bottles. "You're never going to make it." I told him as he was holding onto his last ring.

"Your faith in me is truly admiring." He said.

"I'm only kidding. You can do it." I rubbed his shoulder. He smiled at me before throwing the last ring. It went on the bottle and we cheered.

"Now you pick your stuffed animal." He looked up at the toys.

"I don't know, could you play a few more rounds so I can have more options?" I laughed. He made a pouty face which I couldn't help but smile at. In the end I took down a stuffed panda and we left.

I looked over at his stuffed animal. "Your monkey is so cute."

"You wanna trade?" He offered me the monkey.

"Nah. You won me this, so I'll keep it." I hugged the panda tighter.

We walked over to the hot dog stand where Gracie and Ashton were before. Luke ordered us some sausages in mustard and barbeque sauce. We found a bench to sit on and set our stuffed animals between us.

I glanced around the carnival as Luke ate our food. It was filled with lights, the smell of hot dogs, screams of children on rides and even the sound of elephants. I don't know what it was but something gave off a happy feeling. I loved it.

Luke handed me the cup with sausages and I ate my part. We talked as we exchanged the cup back and forth. "Where are Calum and Michael?" I asked.

"I'm not sure." said Luke as he looked around. He shrugged. "So I saw you and Calum today. What was up with that?"

"He confessed he liked me the day before we left. It's just been eh." I said, biting my tongue.

"You're leaving out something." He just knew.

"He kissed me."

"Oh, wow." He chuckled lightly. "That's Calum, alright. He goes for what he wants. Do you feel the same way?"

"He asked me the same thing. Unfortunately not. I feel so bad." I admitted to him.

He took my hand. "It's nothing to feel bad about. You can't change your feelings." He sounded like he was talking to himself as well.

I nodded and finished the cup. I threw it in the bin near us. "Is there a reason why you don't feel the same way?" Luke asked me.

"I guess there's someone else." I shrugged. "But I don't think he feels the same way. It's one big triangle." I laughed. I literally just admitted I liked someone to the person I liked. Who was I kidding? Luke could never feel the same way.

"Let's go get some cotton candy to forget about this." He offered.

We reached the cotton candy store and decided on a green one and a blue one. Both of our favorite colors. "We should get back to the bus." Luke sadly said. I agreed but as we were walking back a few girls came up to us, mostly squealing and jumping.

Sometimes I forget how famous Luke and the rest of the band are. I took a step back as the girls took pictures with Luke. He looked so happy that he had made them happy. They thanked him and said goodbye but they weren't really leaving.

Luke turned around to look for me and offered me his hand as he saw me behind him. I took it as we walked away. I realized I was holding hands with Luke Hemmings as fangirls were watching us from behind and that made me a little nervous. What were they going to think?

I didn't even know myself. Luke had been touchy with my recently but I didn't think it meant anything to him. Maybe it was just his way of interacting with girls. Either way, it definitely meant something to me. I sighed as we walked hand in hand back to the tour bus with cotton candy and stuffed animals in our other arms.

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