1.1 - Middle of School

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I roll over and stop my alarm. I sit up and grab a blue button up with long sleeves and some tan dress pants. This is what my father forces me to wear. It's stupid, really. Stan, my brother, puts up with it. But I just can't. It's all of my clothes.

Luckily, mom is nice, so she buys me normal clothes, which I just change into once I leave the house or sneak out of the house.

But I don't have time today. It's raining, so I grab my coat and kippah. I spot my shoes by the door, so I throw on my black galoshes and wait on the porch for Stan.

He comes out moments after me, and I smirk, "Still slow as ever daddies boy."

He rolls his eyes and grabs his bike. I grab mine and speed off. I grab my hood and put it on over my 'perfect' curls. Stanley has better curls than I do, and then again, he properly takes care of them.

I make it to school and throw my bike in the bike rack. Stan rolls his eyes at how aggressive I'm being. His friends are just a couple feet away, but their missing the stuttering one, uhm, Bob? Bill? Yes, Bill.

"Bill's got a nasty cold." I hear Eddie shiver.

"Your friends are over there." I point.

Stan thanks me and hurries toward them. I walk towards the school, the group of losers following behind me.

"You made it, Stan-the-man!" Richie shouts.

"I'm not a man yet." Stan says, most likely rolling his eyes.

I push open the door and hold it for them. Stan silently thanks me, and I nod in return.

"Fuck" I groan, causing Stan to turn to me.

"What?" Stan asks.

"I left my bag at home..." I mumble.

"Y/N!" Stan scolds.

"I know, I know, dad's gonna be pissed." I groan.

I walk toward the office so I can call home since we only have two minutes until the bell.


"Hello? Uris residence speaking." Mom answers.

"Mom, thank goodness. I left my bag at home, likely on my bed." I say quickly.

"Okay, dear, I'll get it to school as soon as I can." She says.

"Thanks, mom, love you." I say.

"Love you too, dear." She says before hanging up.

Mom shows up, and I'm now super late to class. Only around five minutes, though so I might be exaggerating.

I walk out of the office and to my locker. I shove my coat into it and storm off to class. I walk in late, and the teacher notices.

"Why were you late, Mr. Uris?" She asks.

"I was in the office." I say as politely as I can manage.

Hearts of Fear | Richie Tozier x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now