1.4 - Horribly Sweet Home

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I just knew that Stan was going to pester me once we got a good distance away. And wouldn't you know it, I was right.

"Why were you blushing?" He asks, peddling his bike faster to catch up to me.

"I wasn't." I say, failing to hide the rising blush.

"Really?" He teases. "Was it whatever happened in the alley?"

The memory of me about to kiss Richie pops back up in my mind. "I- yeah." There is no point in lying to my brother.

"What happened?" He asks, smirking.

"Well, we got in to a tiny argument on Ben getting AIDS. Then Richie said that Eddie was right and we could get AIDS from anything. And to prove him wrong I pinned his hand against the wall and then poked his cheek. ...Then I kissed his cheek..." I mumble.

"What?" Stan asks, I can't tell if he's being genuin or teasing.

"I kissed his cheek and then almost kissed him on the lips..." I say.

Stan's eyes widened and he says, "Y/N, wow."

We make it to the house and I drop my bike on the lawn and run in to the house and up to my room.

But of course, I was caught. "Y/N? What are you wearing?"

I turn around to see my father. I freeze and watch as Stan walks in and looks at me in fear and worry.

"Stanley. To your room, now." Father says.

"Yes, father." He hurries to his room, glancing at me one more time.

"Y/N." He says, he sounds pissed off.

"Sorry, father. But those clothes you force me to wear are uncomfortable and they are not-"


I stare at the wall to my right. He had slapped me over clothes. I put my hand on my cheek and stare at him in disbelieve.

"First I hear rumors of you being a Faggot, then I see you wearing these clothes and sneaking off to meet with a girl, who likely doesn't even fit my standards." He glares at me.

I knew it'd be better to keep silent, but I didn't. "I wasn't sneaking off to see a girl, father. I was hanging out with my friends!"

I knew better than to throw Stan under the bus, so I, as the older twin, took all the blame.

"Maybe you are a faggot after all." He sneers. "I'm going to have Alison come over for dinner. You are to get on her good side and take her on a date tomorrow."

I stare at him, my eyes widened. He's setting me up on a date. "She's perfect for you, and she's Jewish."

"I've got plans for tomorrow, father." I say, not wanting to date her as she is not my type at all.

"Then change them. You will take her out tomorrow, I've bought the movie tickets and will give you enough money for dinner afterward. The movie starts at 4. Be there on time." He grabs my arm and shoves me in to my room.

"And don't even think about not going because I will have her tell me if you don't show." He glares at me before shutting my door and stomping down the hallway.

I stare at the door as tears come to my eyes, my arm hurts from where he grabbed me and my face stinges.

I blink and tears run down my face. "Y/N?" I hear Stan at the other side of my door.

"Come in, Stanny." I say, trying to calm down a bit.

"I heard everything." He says before getting down and hugging me. "I'm so sorry."

"Hey, I'd rather it be me than you." I smile, though fake. "I just am going to have to leave the Quarry sooner than before to go on this... date..."

"Y/N..." I give him a look to show I don't want to tlak about it anyoonger, what's done is done. "I'll tell the others you've got to leave sooner."

"We'll tell them." I smile. "I'm still going, so why can't I tell them?"

"I don't know. I kind of figured you wouldn't want to tlak about it." He says.

"It's fine, though." I say.

"I'll let you sleep for tomorrow, okay. N/N?" He asks.

"Goodnight, Stanny."

"Goodnight, N/N."

I watch him leave my room before scooting back and curling in to a ball in the corner of my room. I lay my head on my knees and cry.

"Why are you crying?" I stand up and look around immediately.


"It's no good to cry..." The voice sounds like a little boy

I open my closet and look under my bed.

"You're not gonna find me." He laughs.

"I'm going crazy..." I mutter.

"Yes you are." It whispers in my ear.

I snapa round and see nothing. I'm alone in my room, and yet I can hear footsteps and the voice.

"Oh come on, Y/N. Don't you recognize me?" It asks.

"No. I can't see you." I say, my voice wavering in fear.

Then a little boy appears, standing in the middle of my room, grinning wider than humanly possible.

It's me when I was 8, only its demonic.

"You... You're me." I stutter.

"You sound like Stanny's friend Bob." Little me grins wider.

"Bill. His name is Bill." I correct the demon. "You're not me, You're not."

It giggles, "No, I'm me, but your now me. You're a faggot, I'm not."

It begins to repeat the words, 'Faggot Jew' over and over and over again.

I drop the the floor and cover my ears. "The Faggot Jew likes the Trashmouth!" It now repeats this sentence.

"I don't..." I mutter, not really believing myself.


I look up to see that my alarm clock had gone off. The demonic me was nowhere to be found. I shakily rose from my spot in the corner and looked around once more.

There's nothing in this room. "Sleep paralysis?" I ask myself. I know it can't be, but what else could it be?

I go over to my closet and put on a new pair of tighty whiteys, and then some tan khakis and a blue button up.

I walk out of my room and bump in to Stan. "Ready to go?" I ask.

"You look like you haven't slept, Y/N..." He says.

I mentally am shocked, but my body moves on its own accord and shrugs. "Yeah, I didn't get much."

Then I walk down teh stairs and out the front door, "Come on slowpoke!" I shout to Stan.

He hurries and catches up with me before we peddle off.

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