Promises part 1

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                   Trigger warning: loss of virginity, choking, mentions of cross dressing, mentions of drug use, spanking and degrading.
                 Top: yeosang
                Bottom: wooyoung

      Wooyoung and Yeosang are on their way to an unknown location. Well yeosang knows exactly where they are going because he booked the trip. It's their one year anniversary soon and yeosang was wanting to make this very special. The whole year that they have been together wooyoung and him have not once had sex. Don't get yeosang wrong, he wants to absolutely wreck his gorgeous boyfriend, but wooyoung kept telling him he wasn't ready, and he would NEVER force wooyoung to sleep with him. Consent is sexy, is what he always says.
       However, 3 months ago wooyoung told him that he was ready to lose his virginity to yeosang and Yeosang responded by kissing his forehead. They made out for a while but yeosang never touched him. He was going to make sure that when he took wooyoung's virginity he would make it romantic. Which is partly the reason for this anniversary trip. Yeosang is honestly madly in love with wooyoung that he gets jealous of the other member.
Wooyoung is so friendly and lovable that it annoys his boyfriend. Wooyoung's best friend, hongjoong's, told yeosang when they first got together "to keep your eyes out for other men!" Hongjoong said this because of wooyoung's personality, he attracts everyone:
However yeosang is the only one on wooyoung's heart. Hes the one sitting next to him on a plane going on an anniversary trip. He is the one that promised to love wooyoung for the rest of his life.

time skip
They finally land in Greece after a 17 hour flight. Wooyoung is so exhausted as he grabs his boyfriend's hand. "Babe, are you ok? You seem like you aren't happy to be here." Woo asks yeo with concern. The whole flight yeo just started at woo. Yeosang wraps his arm around wooyoung's waist and pulls him to him with a bit of force and he says in his ear, "I'm perfectly fine my love. I'm just admiring you. Now let's get to our hotel. And rest. I'm sure you're exhausted." And that's what they did. They grabbed their suitcases and headed to find a cab.They hailed one and climbed in.
Yeosang surprised wooyoung once again by speaking Greek. This made wooyoung blush because he has a thing for guys that can speak multiple languages, or that's what he also said. Yeosang could speak English but speaking Greek was different.
They arrive at this very nice villa and they get the key for theirs. Wooyoung being so excited has to call his other best friend. San picks up the phone, he's with his husband, jongho on their couch as he says, "what is you want bitch?" He said jokingly, woo responds with, "I am literally going to marry yeosang. He's amazing. Not only did he surprise me with a trip to Greece but he even speaks Greek. He's so sweet. Also look at our villa." Woo shows him the villa. Yeosang walks up behind woo and wraps his arms around his waist while kissing his neck sweetly, "how do you like it my love?"
      San groaned as he says, "geez yeo. What have you done to my best friend? He's like literally in love with you. You must have fucked him really good?" San and yeosang sort of hate each other but at the same time they don't. So yeosang, says, "shut the fuck up. You know damn well he's still a Virgin!"  Woo pouts cutely as says, "I already told you guys to stop fighting. If you want to make me mad then keep it up. I won't speak to either of you for a whole week." They both sigh because of how fucking cute woo is. So they both say, "no. Ok we are sorry. We won't argue."
       Woo smiles brightly and then giggles. "Great! Now we gotta go sannie. Yeo promised to run me a bubble bath. And then give me a massage and I'm not missing it. I love you byyyye" with that he hung up. Turning to yeo with a pout on his face he says, "yeo why do have to keep arguing with him? He's one of my best friends and he will be in my life till I'm dead. And you're my boyfriend and I want to marry you one day but I won't keep putting up with the fighting." Yeo grabs his face and smiles at him before leaning down and kissing him sweetly. "Alright I'm sorry love, but he kinda just pisses me off anytime he opens his mouth. I can't promise to like him but I'll definitely try not to argue with him."
       Woo kisses yeo back before pulling away and says, "I was serious about that bubble bath." Yeo laughs and says, "alright come on. I'll run you that bath. Maybe I'll join you." Woo blushes at that statement and buries his face into yeo's chest. Yeo leans down and picks up woo and carries him bridal style to the bathroom. Setting him down on the sink he starts the bath putting in some cherry blossom scented soap. He turns back to woo young and takes off woo's shirt before kissing his neck. Woo looks at him with want but yeo says, "not yet. Be patient a little longer my love. I promise you I'll make it perfect. We are taking a bath and nothing else." He continues to strip woo before jpicking him up and putting him in the tub. "Now be a good boy and stay still."
       After the bath and the massage woo is in bed relaxing. His head is on yeosang's chest and yeosang is playing with his hair. They are both jet legged and end up falling asleep.

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