Chapter 4

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AN: Mannnnnnn, Sasuke's a dick.

*Pretends it's not kinda hot* I can't wait until he gets his act together!

"Look who it is! How's it feel to be a complete and total failure?"

Sasuke shot Deidara a glare, sparing one for Hidan and Itachi, who were chuckling, too, "Shut the hell up. It's too early."

His older brother asked over the top of his coffee mug, "I heard you talked some big talk about scoring with some girl, only to come home alone last night. That's a first for you, Little Bro. What happened?"

"Probably couldn't get it up," Hidan guffawed.

"That's not what fucking happened. Shut your mouth before I bust your teeth in." The younger Uchiha was in no mood to joke around.

Sitting at the table with the others with his fresh cup of coffee, he groaned when Sasori asked, "What happened then? Did she kick you out once you were done or something?"

"Oh, shit! What if her boyfriend came home, and that's why he had to leave? Did you have to climb out a window, Dude?" Deidara hissed, blue eyes shining excitedly.

"None of that happened!"

The room was quiet momentarily before Itachi asked, "We're waiting."

Sighing defeatedly, Sasuke mumbled, feeling humiliated, "She...fell asleep before we could do anything." His voice became more quiet with each word.

It was so silent for a millisecond that a pen would've been heard if it'd dropped before chaos erupted in the form of laughter and jobs sent the Uchiha man's way.

"You're kidding! She fell asleep!"

"What happened to you, Man?"

"Wait, did she fall asleep in the middle of it, or...?"

Sasuke yelled over the noise, close to losing his patience, "She just fell asleep, okay? Now, drop it!"

The cell phone vibrated in his pocket then, and when he pulled it out, a number he didn't recognize was on the screen.

His mood perked up just slightly, 'Is it her?' Gesturing for the others to be quiet, he answered the call. Once it was through, he smirked victoriously at them, "You were saying?"

Hidan mused, lifting a brow, "I've never seen you so excited for just a phone call. Does she have golden nipples or something?"

Sasori laughed, elbowing him in the side while mumbling, "Idiot."

"He's a moron, but he's right. Since when do you give your number to some random chick from the bar? What's her name?"

Sasuke's face fell, 'Wait....She never told me, even when I asked.' Snickering, he brought his coffee to his lips, shrugging, "I don't have a clue."

Everyone laughed, but Itachi sighed afterward, shaking his head, "You're a disappointment."

Later that evening, the Uchiha man cursed under his breath while heading toward the restaurant where he was supposed to meet the pink-haired woman. 'I forgot I couldn't use my car....'

He didn't care much if she was offended by his tardiness. It's not like he was trying to date her or anything. His goal was solely to get her in bed at least once. It seemed she wasn't interested in becoming his girlfriend, either, since she wouldn't even share her name, but perhaps that was just the alcohol speaking last night. Hopefully, it was the former.

Turning the corner into the alleyway, dark eyes locked onto the woman in question. She looked cute in skinny jeans, sneakers, and an oversized sweater under her winter coat. He'd tried to imagine what style she had on his way over here. Almost all women dress the same when clubbing; she hadn't been an exception.

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