Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I grabbed my coffee and ran out of the coffee shop down the street, as I hoped in my car and sped over to work. I saw all the parents dropping their children off for the day, looking completely restless. I parked in the teachers spot and headed over to my first class, as I saw on my sheet, B 16.

I walked over to the corridor and opened the creaky door to be greeted with an empty room. I put up some pencils, pens on the wooden tables for the kids that always forget their stuff, I turned around and looked in the mirror- "Oh-Jesus, you scared me James" I said grasping on to my chest. He was facing the wall and looking out. "Hey, James, are you okay honey?" I asked but he stayed facing the wall. I went to grab him but I heard someone come in "Hi miss" I heard and saw James smiling, "What are you doing?" he asked, I turned to look back around and he was gone. "Oh- um nothing hon" I said and stood up.

A few minutes after, the class came pouring in and the chattering students put their homework on my desk and sat down, patiently to start the day. I yawned and grabbed my book that we were reading for English and began.

After classes were finished, I looked at the big pile of homework and sighed, taking it in small piles and putting it neatly in my bag, "Hey Milly" I heard behind me. "Oh hey Angie, how are you?, I asked. She told me how boring her classes were and that she was always put with the dumb kids. "Don't call them that Angie, there just kids, maybe somethings going on with them" I said, I thought of my teacher. She was one of the bests in the school. But she would sometimes yell. And scream. Sometimes threaten us. "Whatever, I'm gonna go, I'll see you tomorrow" she waved, I waved back as I packed up my things.

When I got home, I put my things down on the marble counter and yawned, I went to the shop before to get more ink for the printer, since I needed to print out another picture. "The school asked for me to print it out when they have a printer AT THE SCHOOL!?" I said to myself, irritated. I put the ink and in loaded up my computer, it was old but still able to print. I took the picture they sent to me and stared at the image. There she was, with her face on, staring at the camera with a small, crooked smile. 'She was always nervous Infront of the camera' I thought, she wore big glasses and had long straightened hair. I pressed print and heard the printer cough and greet me with a 'wrrrrrr', I yawned once more and closed my eyes.

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