Chapter 5

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I hoped out of the shower, my body steaming as I dried myself and did my skincare, getting ready to sleep. 

I yawned again, 'too much' I thought, and slithered under the warm covers and let my heavy eyes close, and drift off into a nice slumber. Until I started to think. The thought, it never left my mind that night. What happened? Just then the phone started to ring, I grabbed it and picked it up, "Hello" 

"Hey baby, Im going to come over tomorrow morning"

"Oh, hey baby, yeah thats fine, i'll see you later" I said flirtatious.

He hung up and I rolled back around and drifted back to sleep

I opened my eyes slowly, yawning,  I groaned and rolled back to bed. I checked the clock and saw it was only 4:30am, I rolled my eyes and rolled back the other way. Thats when I saw the person standing next to the bed. I giggled. "Honey don't scare my like that" I said. I invited him to come to bed with me and he almost floated in. "Hey you know you can just ring me baby, i'll always answer", I said holding onto him. Just then my phone started to ring. I rolled onto the other side and picked it up, "Hey baby, i'm coming over, i'll be there in 10" the voice said and hung up. 

I dropped the phone and jumped out of bed. But there was no one there.

The past week had been the strangest i've experienced so far, with me hallucinating, to the strange dreams I keep seeing. I decided to go to the doctors to see if there was something wrong with me. Or if it was something else. 

"Hello" I said politely, as I walked up to the receptionist.

"Hello miss, do you have an appointment" she asked chewing her gum.

"Um yes I do, its under the name, Lippy Turp"  I said. 

"Yes, you are going to see doctor Hank Thomas" she said smiling, 

"You can go wait over there and the doctor will call you soon" she pointed to an empty spot in the waiting room. 

I thanked her and walked to the empty spot and sat down. "Hello" I heard in a kids voice, I turned around to see a little boy playing with some plastic blocks, "Hello" i said kindly. "Whats your name?" I asked. 

"Ryan" he said shyly. 

"Well my name is Lippy" I said and he giggled,

"Ive never heard a name like that" he smiled, I giggled too as he walked back to his mother.

"Lippy Turp" I heard someone call, I got up and walked towards the room, smelling the faint smell of hand sanitiser and wipes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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