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We all know that our universe is immense.But just how immense it is?We will start with something close to home.When you see the image of our sun we could possibly see a white dot.Our entire world is barely perceptible next to fairly average star.The spectacular prominence flaring out from our sun is 49 times larger than Earth.Fortunately ,Earth is never this close to the sun if it were we would all need SPF 999,999 sunscreen!!!.The sun is our nearest star and it sustains our lives.But it is only one of so many,many stars.By now you might be asking what exactly is our universe?The definition physicists use is:Our universe is everything we could possibly observe by any conceivable means,or be influenced by in any conceivable way.

Let's begin close to home,with this heavenly body.Ill round off numbers for convenience and say an adlt person is 2 metres tall.(Sorry to switch units,but the numbers work out better this way.)Our ruler indeed starts with a single digit.MOUNT EVEREST is about 4500 times taller than a person.Going to the top of it adds 3 more digits to our ruler.
Earths diameter is over 1000 times larger than the height of Mont Everest.Extending our ruler to span Earth adds 4 more digits.........10009002m
THE Suns diameter is 100 times than that of Earth,adding 2 more digits to the ruler.......1010009002m
THE diameter of our solar system is 1000 more times larger than the Sun.Getting to the edge of our solar system adds 3 more digits......."..1001010009002m
The diameter of our galaxy is 300000 times larger than the Spirograph Nebula,moving us left six more digits........1000003001001010009002m
And finally the diameter of our universe is 8000000 times larger than that of the Milky Way.Add 5 digits to our ruler........800001000003001001010009002m...."..

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