Is anyone out there?

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Are we hard wired to consider the possibility that beings from beyond our world exist? Is it because mankind is awaiting a messiah or savior to bring that Age of Enlightenment? Are the religious ideals (pantheistic gods, angels or devas) or cultural phenomena (the lines in the ) simply allegories for alien beings whose powers and abilities exceed our own? An alien species arriving on Earth earlier in our history would have technology that might have appeared as magic to primitive man.

When the idea is posited that alien intelligence, different from our own, exists, it is met with skepticism and summarily dismissed without serious discourse, but if we were to consider thinking in a fashion alien to our own, how much about our universe could we surmise and perhaps discover by trying on an alien point of view? I was asked what I thought would be the reaction of the human race when First Contact (the first time we are acAll the stars, planets and galaxies that can be seen today make up just 4 percent of . The other 96 percent is made of stuff astronomers can't see, detect or even comprehend.

These mysterious substances are called  and dark matter. Astronomers infer their existence based on their gravitational influence on what little bits of the universe can be seen, but dark matter and energy themselves continue to elude all detection.

"The overwhelming majority of the universe is: who knows?". "It's unknown for now, and possibly forever."tually presented with undeniable physical evidence of extraterrestrial life) was established.Do they really exist?......and are they already on our planet in areas like Sector 51 which no one is allowed to go. What is that thing which has kept the human race haunted for so long ? Is NASA hiding a very big secret from us about some extraterrestrial life possibly? I personally am fascinated by extraterrestrial life forms and would really love to kick start an interaction with them is someday i make contact with them. Well according to me extraterrestrial life really exists because our whole damn universe is so big. In the so called 96% unknown universe there has got to be some or the other living form even a microorganism is sure to be there, it could be beneath the surface of a body on the surface, you just never know. There is surely dark matter and dark energy which constituents of the major chunk of our universe. But one question always arouses in my mind do Gods live with us in this universe or do they live in a different universe. Well the answer to this question cannot be given by humans because God is basically force, a force faster than speed of light, a form which can be created from nothing, present around us, and all this is just the biblical evidence of God....I feel God is just a form of love,serenity,a feeling of togetherness amongst us, he is eternal and thus is a higher form and we should always bow down to the higher form of energy. Well, I would like to conclude this seession by saying that if anyone is out there in those clusters of galaxies and stars is sure to come down to earth one day or send some signal to us.....i am waiting for that day.....!

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