Jainism and Space

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Jainism and space, well you'll might have never heard of this fusion I guess. Well I would like to tell you that Jainism has a lot to provide in this field. I have always been fascinated to go in depth about the Jain Mythology. First of all I would like my readers to know that in Jainism there is a place called as Mahavideh Shetra, which lies in the northeast direction of our universe and it is said and proven by Jain monks and saints that it is not possible to go there physically nor can humans find it, but after your death your soul(aathma) can definitely go there if you've done good karmas. Not only this Jainism has a lot to offer and some unraveling mysteries which only true astronomy lovers would want to know. Jain cosmology considers the universe, as an uncreated entity, existing since infinity, having neither beginning nor end. Jain texts describe the shape of the universe as similar to a man standing with legs apart and arm resting on his waist. This Universe, according to Jainism, is broad at the top, narrow at the middle and once again becomes broad at the bottom. As I told earlier that there is a Mahavideh Kshetra...and the thought that baffles me the most is that Gods live amidst us because according to Jain belief there are 24 Tirthankaras(Gods) residing there and they are still in their body form but ultimately after a whopping 125000 years they will attain liberation that is moksha(cut off from the cycle of birth and death). I always look up in the skies and wonder what if somehow we can reach there and actually see God. You never know where the place is...it might be our neighbouring galaxy or maybe some billion light years away....all I can do now is look at the skies and keep guessing. Just for some general knowledge I would like you'll to know that the Gods residing over there are 7 miles in height and live for 250000 years. One more mystery is that our Hubble Space Telescope has captured so many pictures till date which are probably billions of light years away..so why hasn't it been able to capture one of The Mahavideh Kshetra, maybe it's far beyond our reach as I believe we all can see the wonderful place through the greatest gift given to us that is imagination. If we go deep in our thoughts, and keep our soul clean we all are meant to be in that place which is very much in our universe. There's no such thing that only Jains can be over there intact I feel any ordinary person who believes in the religion of soul can ultimately go wherever he wishes to. So all of us must take a moment now to just shut our eyes by removing all the incoming thoughts and see what they can....and you guessed it right that is nothing but the Mahavideh Kshetra right in front of your eyes....feel it...let your whole body be completely into the place amidst the pure souls and with that just come back to reality with a big smile on your face and also with a belief that....yes I am the one who can change myself....let the thought be prevailing in your nerves, brain, and whole body and you be full of positive vibes of the universe and then just get behind your goal and chase your dreams. If you have been dreaming of something do it now....there's no tomorow....and of course take out your telescopes if you don't have one then make one...and explore our beautiful universe...you never know what you may get to see through the lens...!!.... Happy exploring!!..

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