11. Sonic Boom

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Normal Point Of View

On Bygone Island, Boom Tails was walking to his workshop when he heard a ruckus going on in there. So he rushed in.

Boom Tails's Point Of View

When I got in there, I saw my latest invention, a dimensional portal, acting strange. Before I knew it, I heard a baby crying. "Huh? What's going on?" I said as walked toward where it was coming from cautiously. It was a baby girl with black hair and she was crying her little eyes out. So I quickly took her in my arms. "Hey, it's okay. No one is going to hurt you." I said as I tried to calm her down. Once she was, I decided to go to Sonic's place to figure out what to do next. Once I made it there, I knocked on his door. "Hey Sonic, can you let me in? Something really weird just happened and I need your help." I said and immediately after that the door opened. "Sure buddy what's, uh, is that a human baby?! But how?! Eggman is the only human on the Island?!" Sonic said in a panic. "Well you know that dimensional portal I've been working on?" I asked and he nodded. "Well it was acting weird, after that, I found her." I said seriously. "We better let the others know about this and investigate that machine." Sonic said as turned his communicator on. "Hey Amy, Knuckles, and Sticks? Meet me at Tails workshop, something strange just happened." Sonic said seriously. "Okay, we'll be there as soon as we can." Amy replied and we headed back to my workshop.

Boom Sonic's Point Of View

A few minutes later Amy, Knuckles, and Sticks arrived. "So what's going on guys?" Amy asked as she walked in. "Well after this device acted up and then Tails found her." I replied and gestured to the baby. "Aww, she's so cute!" Amy said in excitement. "Well would you like to hold her while I find out what happened?" Tails asked as he walked up to her. "Sure thing Tails!" Amy replied as she carefully to the baby into her arms. "Wait is that a human baby?! What if it's one of Eggman's schemes to spy on us?!" Sticks asked as she began to freak out. "Whoa calm down Sticks! I figured out what happened." Tails said quickly. "And what is that?" Knuckles asked curiously. "It malfunctioned, bringing her here from an alternate dimension." Tails replied reassuringly. Suddenly it seemingly acted up again!

Movie Sonic's Point Of View

After Shadow said Chaos Control, we were in a white void with a portal pulling us toward it! "Uh Shadow, what's happening?" I asked nervously. "It's either something interfered with my Chaos Control, or this is what happens when it goes wrong." Shadow said as reassuringly as he could. Then suddenly, my phone rang. It was Aunt Rachel. "Hey Aunt Rachel. What's up?" I asked nervously for something told me it wasn't good. "It's about Annika, she just vanished into thin air! Please tell me she's with you!" Aunt Rachel said in a worried panic. We all went silent after that for a few minutes. "W-What?! She just disappeared?! I'm afraid we don't have her, but don't worry we'll find her, I promise." I said as reassuringly as I could. "Good, text me when you find her. Also what's been going on?" Aunt Rachel said seriously. So I explained what just happened to us. "Oh my, I'm so glad you all are alright, but where are you now?" Aunt Rachel asked once I was done. "In a white void heading towards a portal to who knows where." I replied sheepishly. "Well, just be careful." Aunt Rachel said sounding stunned. "Of course Aunt Rachel." I said before hanging up as we got super close to the portal. "So where do you think this portal leads?" I asked out of curiosity. "Maybe my world?" Modern said hopefully. "Ooh or maybe another Sonic dimension!" Marina said excitedly. "That would be interesting. I just hope somehow Annika is there too." Silver added nervously. "Don't worry little bro, we'll find her." I said reassuringly. Finally we were going through the portal. It was such a wild ride, that I thought I was going to pass out from the overwhelming adrenaline. Once we finally made it to the other side, we landed hard, practically piled on each other as we all groaned. However, I could hear a baby crying! So I shot up and gasped as I saw Annika in someone's arms! "Annika?! Thank goodness you're safe! We missed you so much!" I exclaimed as I ran over to her and was about to take her in my arms. That's when I saw it was another Amy, however she stepped back. "Wait that makes no sense. She's a human, who are you guys?!" Amy demanded skeptically. "I'm Movie Sonic, and Annika is my sister." I said seriously but Amy backed up more. "I'm Movie Shadow, Movie Sonic and Annika's older brother." Shadow said as he stood next to me. "I'm Movie Silver, the middle child." Silver said as came up. "I'm Longclaw, their Godmother." Longclaw added. "I'm Marina Melody, Movie Sonic's true love." Marina said in human form right before going back to her mobian form. "I'm Maddie and this my husband Tom. We're their parents." Mom said as she and Dad walked up. "And I'm Modern Sonic." Modern added as walked up. "Wait three Sonics in one place?!" Tails said in shock. That's when we looked over and saw another Sonic.

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