Fangirling (Fluff)

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Ever wanted to be a celebrity ? well @home202788got you once again !!! This one was fun to write because I always wanted to become a celebrity so it was fun ! Enjoy it, keep it positive, and no hating on the person that requested this one, thank you :) (also a bit short)


T : y/n I still don't get why you won't let me in your office, im sure you have nothing special in there ! Tell me about it please, what is it ? oh my god did you kill someone ? is there a body in there ?....wait wait It a red room ? like in those porn movies ?! 

Tom kept walking next to me in the mall barking about the fact I won't let him in my office ! Tom and I have been dating for 6 months now, he's the guitar player of tokio hotel, and im just the basic bitch if I can say it that way. I study, clean, bake, shop...just usual girl you know ? But I do like sometimes to stream in my office. I don't want tom to find out, worried he'd make fun of me or maybe he'd get mad...or what if he wanna break up with me !? thought like this kept running through my mind all the time whenever he talked about my office. 

y/n : there is no body and no red room tom quit it, I won't let you in 

he pouts 

T : pff I would've loved to see you handcuffed all for me, wrapped like a gift 

He lean in to kiss my cheek making me laugh, he was such a sweetheart... a very dirty minded sweetheart. As we passed next to hot topic we walk in, I needed to find a new pair of earrings and maybe a shirt or two...that's when I heard it..."Y/N OMG"...I turn around to see a girl, she looked not older then 15-16 years old running to me, tom held my waist tight looking confused. The girl then spoke right infront of me. 

G : Oh my god ! I cant believe im seeing you there, this feels so incredible, can we take a picture.. oh can you please sign my bag ? I love what you do so much...

Tom then smirk answering before I could 

T : Aww of course we can take a picture, never thought I'd meet a fan here but hey it's very sweet of you 

The girl laughed 

G : what ? im sorry you must've mistaken, im talking to her...your y/nsting right ? 

She looked at me, her eyes so shiny and bubbling as if she'd just seen her ultimate celebrity...I couldn't lie 

Y/n : it is me 

T : y/nsting ? what ?

Tom turned to me confused and a little mad, he discovered it...fuck, the girl continued 

G : You dont know it ? She plays guitar on twitch ! she's absolutely incredible ! She taught me so much about guitars and her beautiful guitar that um...whats it called again... 

My eyes widen, dont say it dont say it !

G : Oh yeah the white Flying V ! It's gorgeous, wish I had the money for one like that ! 

fuck...tom turned to me raising his eye brow, I blush 

G : Can you take the picture for us ? 

She passes her phone to tom who agreed, we took pictures and I signed her bag. Gave her a hug and we ended up chatting a bit. It did feel great being recognize for my work, but now that I saw the girl leaving I rushed out of hot topic with tom my stuff in hand, now I had to face him about it.

T : So...y/nsting...guess thats what you do in this office 

I looked down feeling ashamed about it, I felt horrible...

T : If I had known before you were playing guitar...god...

y/n : I can explain I promise..dont be mad

T : if I had known..fuck I would've married you sooner ! 

I stop in my track 

y/n : Wait what ? 

T : Well dah !! It's absolutely amazing ! You play guitar...just like me baby

He kiss my forehead reassuring me, I smile...the day went on as usual tom asked me about my Chanel, if we could play together someday...he was the sweetest.

T : Although one thing...stop using my guitars 

I sigh, I didn't have the money to buy one of my own, or atleast one of good quality. The weeks passed and my Chanel lost a bit of its attention since I had nothing to play with until Christmas. 

T : Alright open my gift next babe

He passes me a large and heavy box, as I open it my eyes widen... a beautiful black Flying V with golden details and glitters covering the front... a beautiful master piece... at the bottom was engraved in gold letters, "Ich liebe dich - Tom", my heart jumped out of my chest. I placed it to the side of the couch and ran to hug him 

T : Now you have your own...and we match ... youll be now able to get all the fan girling to want with this beautiful guitar 

Tom Kaulitz (Tokio Hotel) Smut & FluffWhere stories live. Discover now