Chapter 7~ A new memory forged from star dust

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Maybe the title is too long?

Stelle's POV

'my body hurts, what was I doing before this?'

'I remember fighting but then it's all blurry from there, wait are we still fighting?!?!'

"Stelle... Stelle, STELLE!" A loud voice yelled and broke me out of my thoughts, I looked around and spotted March sitting not too far from me.

I rubbed my eyes and ran my hand through my hair before asking March a question "what happened after I blacked out?"

"What you don't even remember! I was terrified when you started to glow like some sort of lamp! Do you remember What Ms. Lucia did?"

I search my brain for an answer but nothing comes to mind, I shake my head.

"She ended up absorbing over half of the blow when she first got in front of you, the doctors said that you were lucky she stepped in when she did."

'hmm, I guess I wasn't able to use it's power'

"Where are we now?"

"The space station medical center, Himeko asked me to take you here for a check up, for someone who just got shot by a laser your in pretty good shape!
Anyway enough about that, let's sign you out and meet up with everyone else!"

March pulls me off the bed and walks towards the desk, I zone out until she takes my hand and leads me through the station. We stopped and looked at a few things that we didn't see before, mostly because we were running from a bunch of flies that wanted us dead.

'wait who's that?' I grab March and pull her towards me.

"Ehh, what are you doing!" She yells

"Look at Who's ahead" I whispered

"It's just you, I don't understand why you're freaking out............WAIT YOUR BEHIND ME SO WHO THE HECK IS THAT?!?!"

March's screaming alerted the person at the end of the hallway, the figure walked closer to us and stopped in front of me, we both realize he's male.

We both looked at each other, almost like a stare down.

In the end we both come to a conclusion.
March 7th POV

'what the heck is up with these 2? They have been staring at each other for 5 minutes! If this keeps up I'm going to start developing  wrinkles!!'

Suddenly they both point at each other

'hmm, why did the background just turn into the Ace Attorney Court room?'

"WE MUST BE TWINS!" They yell in sync.

I deadpan at the 2 grey haired people in front of me.

'stelle,You we're literally just born because of the Stelleron, you don't have a brother.'

"No offense but Stelle has no parents considering she was born from a Stelleron" I point out

"I don't have parents either and You have a Stelleron too?!? We have to be related in some way!
Uhh who was the first person you saw, we can consider them our parent, if it's the same person then we'll be related!" The Male said

Stelle nods her head
"Hmm, ok let's try it."

' I can't tell if these 2 are on drugs or if this is the thought process of an adult who was born hours ago. Well at least their personalities compliment each other, one is a girl who always looks done with life and the other is a boy with anger issues but he looks a bit more alive then his sister. IM GETTING TO CAUGHT UP IN THIS THEIR NOT SIBLINGS'

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