Imagine 1 ~ Crush

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Prompt: You've had a crush on Jj for a very long time and when you and the Pogues go to a party the secret slips out. But how will Jj react... was it how you expected or was it better than you thought?

Warnings: use of alcohol, slight swearing


Y/n's Pov:

I have known the Pogues for most of my life. I have known John B the longest because we have been neighbours literally all of our lives and he is like a brother to me. Throughout the years we have been best friends and have met the rest of the Pogues along the way. 


When we were in the third grade, I was skipping to the playground to meet up with John B at recess when a couple of girls were making fun of me and calling me stupid because I was wearing glasses. They ripped my pink glasses off of my face and were about to break them when a blonde boy grabs the glasses from her hands and says, "Well, I think glasses look cool and you're the one that's stupid." The girls stormed off fuming when the boy turns and looks at me, his ocean blue eyes meet my e/c eyes and says, "My name is JJ, what's your name?" I told him my name and introduced him to John B and we've been inseparable ever since. 

A few years later, Pope moved to our school and we became friends with him through the seating arrangement in our classroom. Then lastly, I met Kiara in middle school when I was walking the beach looking for shells and she was picking up garbage to save the turtles. We bonded over our love for the ocean and became the best of friends. 

Over the past few years I have noticed that I have developed romantic feelings for Jj. I don't really know when it all started, but one day I just saw him as more than a friend and it has yet to go away. Even though, I know he would never see me that way because of the whole "No pogue-on-pogue macking" rule. Which is stupid because its obvious all f the guys have the hots for Kiara, I just wish Jj would notice me in the same way that I see him. The only person that knows and will ever know about my crush is me and I intend to keep it that way for as long as I can. No matter how hard it is to keep it to myself, I can't risk telling one of the other Pogues what if they tell Jj and our friendship gets ruined over a stupid little crush. 


Every year on the last day of school, mine and John B's dads have taken us to the boneyard to burn our school work and have a bonfire. And when we met Jj he would tag along with us since his dad was never really around. As we've grown up and have gotten older we stopped doing it with our Dad's and now just throw a big party to kick off the summer. When in reality, it's just an excuse to get wasted. 

School just got out, so John B, JJ, and I are at the boneyard burning our school work as tradition  before we have to go and get ready for the party. As Jj and John B walk ahead talking about some girl Jj said was coming to the party, I just followed slowly behind them, wishing I was anywhere but here right now. I get this weird feeling in my chest I've never really experienced before, but I just shake it off and continue to follow them to our special spot. 

It's been a few hours since we got back to the Chateau to get ready for the party. Even though my house is just down the street, I pretty much live at John B's because my mom left when I was younger and my Dad is either working or drinking, so I only go back when I absolutely need to. John b doesn't really care since his Mom has never been around and Big John has been missing for nearly a year.

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