Sunset Date

915 6 4

Prompt: Jj randomly surprises y/n with a sunset date

Warnings: none.


Y/n Pov:

It's later in the afternoon and I have just gotten home from hanging out with the Pogues. We don't have any plans for the evening, which kind of bums me out, but I don't mind a chill night at home. And to make it even better, my Dad is out of town for a few weeks, so I can finally be at home. I've been expecting Jj to show up over the last little bit, since he's been at work all day and I have not seen him. I really miss him, so I hope he comes over. 

I've been lying in my bed watching Gilmore Girls, still wondering where Jj is. I really want to watch Criminal Minds, but we have a deal that we can't watch it without each other. It's our show. 

After another episode, Jj randomly texts me. 



Get ready, I'm picking you up in 20 mins

                                                                                                                                 Okay, what are we doing?

It's a surprise. But bring a bathing suit just in case.

                                                                                                                                           Okay, see you soon.

                                                                                                                                             I love you 🥰

I love you ❤️

I quickly turn on some music and start getting ready. I wonder what we're doing. I start getting ready. I run a brush through any hair and put it up in a claw clip. I then throw on a little bit of mascara and some light face makeup on before I get dressed. I don't really know what to wear. 

This is the outfit I'm imagining (feel free to imagine something else): 

I put on some deodorant and my favourite perfume, before packing my tote bag

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I put on some deodorant and my favourite perfume, before packing my tote bag. I just put a little towel, lip balm, sunscreen, and some water. Right as I'm putting on my shoes, Jj texts me that he is here, so I head out the door. When I get outside, Jj is leaning against the side of the Twinkie. Once he sees me he quickly walks up to me, giving me a quick hug and kiss to greet me. "You look beautiful, princess." I smile at him and thank him before he leads me to the passenger side and opening the door for me. Once I'm in the car, Jj gets in on the driver side and puts the aux cord in my lap before starting to drive.

I put on the playlist I made for Jj and I and we start singing along. We're currently screaming the lyrics to "Golden" by Harry Styles when we stop at what looks like the beach. It kind of confuses me on how the beach is a surprise because we are at the beach practically every day. I just go with it though. It's cute to see him so excited.

Jj gets out and quickly runs over to my side of the door, opening it for me. I get out and he grabs my hand leading me to the beach. He leads me down a bit of a different path than usual, but I just go along with it. As we continue walking we stop once we get to this beautiful set up.

 As we continue walking we stop once we get to this beautiful set up

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I don't think I've ever smiled so big. This is the cutest set up ever. I turn my head to look at Jj, who is already looking at me. "What's this for?" He rubs the back of my hand with his thumb saying, "Just because I love you and I wanted to show you how much I love you." I somehow smile even harder and lean in for a kiss. We kiss for a good moment before we breakaway and I say, "I love you" then he guides me to sit and we dive in to the delicious feast he has brought us.

He knows how much I love sunsets and how much peace they bring me, so this is really sweet. We finished eating a while ago and now we're just cuddling and watching the sun start to set. "We should go swimming." I say to Jj. If there's one thing I love more than watching the sunset, it 's swimming while the sun is setting. He chuckles, "I figured you would want to." then kisses the top of my head. We then both stand up and strip down to our swim suits before walking hand and hand towards the water.

Just when I thought this was going to be a sweet little moment of us walking into the water, Jj picks me up over his shoulder. "Jj put me down" I laugh. "Not a chance princess." He then runs and dives into the water soaking both of us. Once we come up for air we just enjoy this moment. We swim, we splash each other we hold each other. This couldn't get more perfect. 

Once the sun is pretty much set, we head back towards our blanket to dry off before we head out. Were just snuggled up and snacking on a few of the foods Jj brought for us. We then gather up our stuff before heading back to the Twinkie. "This was the perfect night, thank you for doing this Jj." I say as we're walking. "Anything for the woman I love." I love the moments like these.

As we're driving back to the chateau to drop off the Twinkie, we decide to spend the night at my house since my dad is away. Once we drop the keys inside, we head next door to my house. I get into my pjs while Jj changes into the sweatpants he's left here. I do my skincare quick before we snuggle up into my bed. Once we're both in my bed we look at each other and say, "Criminal minds?" at the same time. Sometimes I swear we share the same brain cell. I turn on our show before finally getting comfy. 

After a few episodes we deicide to head to sleep, since it's practically 2 am. Criminal minds just gets so addicting and we always end up staying up too late. I turn the tv off and we both cuddle up to go to sleep. "Thank you for today, J. I love you." He kisses me on the head while he strokes my waist with his thumb, "I love you, Princess. Goodnight." I leave him a peck on his chest before saying, "Goodnight, love". We then fall into a deep sleep, content in each other's company. 

1102 words


Hey, everyone!

Thank you so much for reading my story, I really appreciate it!!!

Sorry I've been so inactive. I have been so busy with school, but I will try to post when I can!

Please let me know if you have any ideas for prompts!

Love you guys ❤️

JJ Maybank ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now