Imagine 10 ~ Cozy Days

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Prompt: Just a cozy rainy day in with Mr. Maybank 

Warnings: None


Y/n Pov:

I slowly flutter my eyes open as I listen to the rain patter against the window. As much as I hate when it rains in the summer, it will be a nice break from the heat and the gold rush. As much as I love my friends, today feels like a perfect day to just stay home and relax. I turn over, reaching for my phone, so I can do some scrolling. The first thing I see is a text from my lovely boyfriend. 



Good morning, beautiful ❤️

                                                                                                                  Good morning, my love 

As soon as the text delivers, I get an incoming call from my one and only. "Good morning princess" He says in his morning voice. It makes me melt every time. Whenever I go home, he calls me as soon as I text him back. I love it. "Good morning, J" I say, smiling into my phone. "I missed you while you were sleeping. What do you want to do today?" He always says this. I find it sweet. "I was just going to chill around the house today." I don't even bother asking because I already know he's going to come over. "Ok, I'm going to stop to get snacks on the way, craving anything specific?" He says, I can hear him smiling through the phone. "Just you. And maybe some sour skittles." I say last minute. "Ok, love I'll be there soon. I love you." He says. "I love you" then I hang up, to get ready for the day.

I go into my bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I then sit at my vanity to do my skincare. I'm not going to put any makeup on today because I don't feel like it, so I brush my hair and put it into a claw clip before I head over to my closet to pick out my outfit. After I chose my outfit, I put it on as well as some deodorant and perfume. 

This is the outfit I'm imagining (feel free to imagine what you'd like):

This is the outfit I'm imagining (feel free to imagine what you'd like):

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I know it's not much, but it's comfortable and thats all that matters. I go downstairs to the living room and light a candle and turn on some music on the tv, while I set the living room up. I hum along to some Noah Kahn while I grab my cozy blankets and pillows and setting them up nicely on the couch. As I'm grabbing my book from upstairs, I hear Jj do his signature knock. I quickly run to the door to help him inside. He smiles as soon as I open the door and gives me a quick kiss as he walks by to place the bags on the table. 

He then starts unpacking all of the yummy snacks, giving me a haul of everything he got for us. He finishes off with the biggest bag of sour skittles I've ever seen in my life. But thats Jj for you. If I ever ask him for something, he finds the biggest one he can find so I never run out. He then comes over to properly greet me, giving me a big kiss and pulling my body tight to his. This boy loves his hugs. 

We then make our way to the couch, cuddling up under the blankets to find something to watch. "What do you want to watch?" I ask, turning to look at him. "Is that even a question?" He says dramatically. I laugh at him, while turning on our show, "Criminal Minds". This is our favourite show to watch together and we're only allowed to watch it when we're together, which is easy because we're never apart. I start up the episode, then snuggle further into Jj while he wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me on the head. 

After a few episodes Jj's phone rings, it's John B. He picks up, putting the phone on speaker. "Hey, do you want to come over to game or something?" he asks. "I can't, I'm busy." he responds. "Busy doing what? The weather is shit." I get up to get the ingredients out to make cookies, while he continues his conversation. "Where are you going?" Jj whispers. I point to the kitchen as John B cuts in, "You're with y/n aren't you? What are you guys doing?" I quietly laugh as I shake my head. "We're doing something important, which you are rudely interrupting." Jj replies sassily and jokingly. "Oh gross! Please tell me you aren't fucking right now. You two are gross." John B gags. "I told you we're busy, bye John B." Jj laughs while he hangs up on Jj.

He comes over and wraps his arms around me, "What are we making?" He asks as he starts running light kisses down my neck. "Cookies" I sigh, enjoying his company. He steps away, putting something on the tv, while I get the rest of the ingredients out. I glance over to see what Jj is putting on, to see he's putting on our playlist. He turns his head, his eyes meeting mine as "Lover" by Taylor Swift starts playing. We start singing and dancing around the kitchen while we make the cookies. 

As we're waiting for  the cookies to bake in the oven, Jj stands between my legs while I sit on the counter as we just talk about random things. These are my favourite days. As much as I love my friends, nothing beats quality time with my boy. I'm thinking about how lucky I am to be his, when I feel him looking up at me. I look into his eyes, blushing and smiling. "What?" I ask. He blushes, then says "I'm just admiring how beautiful you are. What did I do to deserve you?" while nuzzling his head into my neck. I bring his head out of my neck and kiss him. We kiss for a little bit, not a rushed hungry kiss, but a nice, loving kiss. We pull away to the timer going off for the cookies away. We smile at each other, before Jj steps away to grab the cookies out of the oven. 

It's now starting to get dark out, so we head up to my room to chill in there for the rest of the night

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It's now starting to get dark out, so we head up to my room to chill in there for the rest of the night. I've been in the bathroom for a few minutes, brushing my teeth and starting my skincare when Jj waltzes into the bathroom in just a pair of grey sweatpants. He brushes his teeth while I finish putting my moisturizer on, heading into my room together. I lay on my back, while Jj lays on top of me with his head on my chest and his arms wrapped around me. We're about halfway through another episode of Criminal Minds when I yawn, Jj lifts his head, resting his chin on my tummy while he looks at me. "Are you sleepy baby?" he says. "Only a little bit" I respond. "Why don't we finish this episode in the morning." Jj suggests. I nod, turning off the tv before we get situated for sleeping. Jj is now laying on his back and pulls me to him.

"Goodnight my love, thank you for today, I love you." Jj says softly, kissing the top of my head.

"Goodnight, J. I love you." I respond, leaving a quick kiss on his chest before we both drift off into a deep slumber. 

1269 words



Sorry I haven't updated in a bit, I've been busy with school, but I should be more active now. I hope you liked this imagine!!

Feel free to leave requests for what you would like to see. 

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