Chapter 3

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Paul-Henri stayed on his side, staring at the front of the sub. Stockton seemed to be in a different position than last time. But Paul-Henri didn't want to think about anything right now, especially not about his friend's condition. He just wanted out.

On the outside of the sub, a team of 3 crew members reeled in the sub onto a platform using ropes. Everyone, including the others on the rescue ship were anxious about what they'd find. But, they were hoping for the best.

Most of them were wishing that the team wouldn't be the one to find them. They'd wish a medic ship or the coast guard would've found them.

Yes, they have a medical team on board, but if someone is really hurt.. They wouldn't be able to get them to land for hours. They would have to call a chopper to rescue them from the mothership.

Well, that's if anything had happened to them. The best case scenario is that they're all just waiting to be let out.

As the sub was reeled in closer, the 3 were able to see through the porthole, slightly. It was dark. They must not have had power.

When they finally get it onto the platform, they all noticed the silhouettes of bodies laying on the floor. The 3 of them look at each other, mutually agreeing to remain quiet about this. Maybe they were just asleep.

The team began opening the hatch. The process took a few minutes, but as soon as it opened, the stench of sweat and blood swept into their faces. The woman in the front of the group let out a loud gasp.

Blood covered the entire floor, and was splattered along the walls and porthole. It dripped out of the sub, landing at their feet. The whole scene feels like it came out of a really exaggerated horror movie.

Everyone stayed silent, idle and in shock.

They all were frozen in place until Paul-Henri moved his head up to look at them, his eyes wincing as he took in the increased amount of sunlight. He was shaking as he tried to hold himself up again.

"Are you okay, PH?" The woman called out slowly and uneasy.

The people on the rescue ship began calling the authorities to report of the finding. They didn't know the details yet, but they knew it was bad based on the crew's reactions. And the blood that was pouring out of the sub as if it had been flooded.

Paul-Henri shook is head.

"Non." He responded, his voice hoarse.

The woman crawled into the sub, while the other two crew members walked closer, offering to help get him onto the ship.

As she crawled in, she noticed the smell of decaying bodies that were baking in the summer sun. The stench made her want to throw up, and she wondered how Paul-Henri managed to breathe this in.

Her eyes locked on Stockton, and she paused. His mouth and hands were covered in blood, and there looked to be pieces of flesh in front of him.

Her eyes widened as she realized that his were wide and unblinking. He was unresponsive. He didn't seem to notice that the hatch even opened, or that she was kneeling right in front of his face.

"PH, come.. come here." She said, holding her arms out so she could help him out.

He crawled over to her, stumbling multiple times from the lubricated floor and bodies. His shaking from fear and hunger made it even more difficult to move.

She helped him get out, while the other crew members helped him get on the boat. He couldn't walk himself, so they helped him down onto a seat, where the medics rushed to his side and began looking at his injuries.

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