Chapter 4

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Paul-Henri rested his eyes as he laid back down against the hospital bed. He was exhausted. He had been bombarded with questions as soon as he woke up, but he was glad the same didn't happen to Stockton.

He wasn't sure about what he could say without a lawyer present, but he made sure to tell the truth whenever his coworkers would talk with him. When it came to the authorities or doctors, he kept his answers minimal.

He leaned further into the bed and tried to ignore the uncomfortable presence of the feeding tube.

Even though he was only starved for a couple days, he still lost an unhealthy amount of weight. The feeding tube was there to give him the nutrients he needed in order to gain the weight back quickly. The same for Stockton.

It had been 3 days since they were rescued. Paul-Henri had woken up the day after, and his crewmates didn't try to hide anything from him. Upon request from Paul-Henri, they informed him on any updates about the investigation that came up.

That's how he found out about the mangled body of Hamish and the chunks of flesh that determined Stockton had attempted to eat him. The regurgitated piles of meat suggested that he wasn't able to keep it down.

Paul-Henri was thankful that he wasn't awake for it. At least, for as much as he remembered. He was still wondering where that chunk of time went.

It's also how he found out that the company had decided to go on hiatus, until all the legal stuff was over. Obviously, it wasn't Stockton's call - as he wasn't awake for it. But Wendy decided that this was the best option.

He was just thankful that he wasn't hurt that badly. He didn't have a concussion, just a bruise from when he slammed heads with Stockton. Although, it had been giving him some migraines.

He needed IVs to give him fluids and nutrients - but other than that - he didn't have any other injuries.

However, survivors guilt was starting to eat at him.

Looking at Stockton just made Paul-Henri's stomach churn. He started questioning why Hamish went after Stockton so badly. He was wondering why Hamish didn't attack him too. Why did he go after the others, but not him?

Oh, the others. Oh god..

It made him cry everytime he'd think about the others on that sub. The guests. The ones who paid to be there. The ones that they were supposed to protect. Why did only the CEO and the tour guide survive? They just made money off of their guests' deaths.

Paul-Henri would've traded places with them in a heartbeat. He wished he could go back in time and give up his life to save the other three. Stockton, and the two that should have survived. They were so young. They deserved to live a longer life..

"Mr., are you okay?"

Paul-Henri looked up, not realizing how much his mind had been racing. How did they know something was wrong? Was he breathing heavily? Or did he just look out of it?

He got his answer when he felt tears dripping down his cheeks.

"Oh.." He said, looking up at the nurse from earlier.

"Yes.. Je vais, eh, bien."

"You aren't in any pain?" She asked, confused by his foreign words.

In his mind, he swore he was speaking English. But he could only tell that he wasn't by the nurse's reaction.

Paul-Henri shook his head.

"Alright. Let one of us know if you are." She said, grabbing the bag of his feeding tube and filling it with more of the liquid food.

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