chapter two

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Autsushi POV: " I was inside my room paking the few things I own, thinking to myself."This may be my chance to leave and just run away. " I was deep in thought when my door opened, and I turned to see my homeroom teacher shota azawia. "Autsushi, we need to have a word. " Yes, sir,"I said kinda scared of what he was going to say to me. " atsushi Don't even think of trying anything we know since you're from Yokohama,You think you might be able to run, but you can't. If you try to run your collar
will you elecracute you on the spot, you will either be with the class or a teacher at all times understood? " yes sir I understand." I said, kinda worried. He turned around and left. Now i have time to think of a plan. Maybe this trip will be an ok time, maybe just maybe.

Dazai's POV,
I'm so excited to see those heroes die at my hands. Maybe I'll torture them sycolgacly first if mori allows me, I thought to myself as I walked to my office. as I walked in, I saw mori sitting on the chair. " What do you want, mori?" Nothing much, just wanted to tell you something interesting. Would you like to know what it is? " Obviously," I said, not really sure what he could be talking about. " Well, I have decided to take a break and go on a trip with my beloved fuckazawa, so we are going on a vacation with elils for a month or to so you're in charge, k." "wait really, does this mean I can be in charge of how to kill those hero's", and I'll get to toy with them and oh I could be able to,"dazai calm down I want you to think every thing through though be for you do it,but you are in charge of the mafia while I'm gone and kunikida is going to be in charge of the agency so work to gether and make a plan,ok? " yes mori-san". " Oh and dazai, there is one thing I need to mention on that bus is atsushi Nakajima. You might remember that name, do you?" What did he just say." Dazai, this is up to you now, so you get to decide what to do about this, so make sure you make the right decision about this,ok?" "OK mori-San will do now. Go have fun with them."ok, dazai," he said as he walked out of the room.

Atsushi Nakajima I'll see you soon my, love, I'll see you soon.

Notes: Do you think dazai and atsushi know each other, or maybe dazai knows him? Buy, atsushi doesn't." Keep reading to figure out

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