Chapter 8: Memoriam

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Something was... off. It was really obvious. His dad was home, and he almost never was by this point in the day, and not only that, but he was getting ready for something. At first, with the amount of formality going into preparations for whatever it was, Dart thought his dad was going to go on a date. Seeing his demeanor become more grim than usual though shot that down.

Dart thought of asking what was happening, but didn't bother. He'd just be brushed off. So, he just tried to not make himself known by being in his room until his dad decided to leave to wherever he was going. But his dad surprised him by knocking on his door. He cocked his head to the side in confusion before responding. "It's open, dad!" 

His dad then opened the door, his voice darker and sadder than usual as he spoke. "Look, Dart, there's something going on in town right now. I don't want you going out and making a ruckus, okay? Just... try and be quiet today, and avoid the main street."

Something was definitely up. Though, his dad probably didn't know the sheer curiosity that piqued in him as an apparent new mystery was afoot. But he nodded. "Got it, dad!"

"I'll be back in a few hours. You know how to take care of yourself. Bye." He then turned away, closing the door behind him.

"Bye! Lo—" The door was already closed, his dad already now being long gone. He sighed, looking down. "...Love you, dad..."

He shook his head and stood up. Maybe Lucia would know what's up? He'd been hanging around with her for the last few days, and if he learned one thing, the Furret family talked a lot, and Lucia picked up on a lot that was said. She'd probably be more inclined to know than he was with his dad.

It was only a few minutes of prep, grabbing a snack, then being out of the door only moments after his dad. He went quietly into the morning, as to not accidentally catch the attention of his dad, just in case they accidentally ended up going the same way. He made as straight a shot he could to the Furret farm, without going on the maim road, just as his dad said.


Lucia wasn't all too familiar with the family's habits just yet, but this was definitely out of the ordinary. Sammy's expression said it all—this really wasn't something he was used to happening. And probably for the better, since the mood seemed extremely sad. Jack and Caroline seemingly discussed between themselves for a moment.

Then, Jack turned to Lucia and Sammy. "We have to go, we got food ready for you two, do you think you'll be fine on your own for a few hours?"

Sammy then asked what Lucia was too afraid to. "Where are you going? Why can't we come?"

Jack and Caroline looked at each other, a bit pained. Not at the question exactly, but more than likely the situation. Caroline took a gentle approach to try and explain it. "We're going somewhere every important, Sammy, it's something for adults to worry about. You'll... understand when you're older." She then looked between Lucia and Sammy. "Both of you. But right now, we don't want you to see it."

It wasn't a real answer, and Lucia almost pressed it, but Sammy spoke first, and honestly, it was probably for the better. "Oh... okay. We'll be alright."

Jack and Caroline both looked somewhat relieved at him leaving it at that, and Jack and Caroline headed to the door, with some final words from Caroline. "Good. Take care, you two. Stay inside, don't let strangers in, don't break anything, common sense. We'll be back no more than four hours."

And, with that, they were gone. And, with that, Lucia and Sammy were alone together for the first time... ever. It immediately felt very awkward, Jack and Caroline were the ones to usually fill the air and talk to the two, but Lucia didn't know how to talk to Sammy, and Sammy seemed like he only knew how to talk to his parents.

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