Chapter 9: First Class

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Lucia kept hearing about being ready from everyone, and at this point, she felt too awkward to ask what it was about. It had been going on for a week or two now: "Are you ready for it?" "It's coming up soon, are you prepared?" "Everything's all ready for you to go!"

She was, apparently, meant to assume or know what it all meant, and it kept her up tonight as she tried to decipher it all, especially as "it" was apparently tomorrow morning. Everyone had said it as August was coming to an end, from Jack and Caroline and Dart, to even having overheard the group of bad Pokémon talking about "it". She tossed and turned as she thought...

Then it clicked. School! They were enrolling her in school, which did make the most sense in hindsight, with "it" being for kids but seemingly not for the adults. But now, she had another reason to toss and turn and be anxious. School would be tomorrow, she had no idea how good she was at it or who would be in the class or what schools here were like (Though, she didn't know what schools were like in general, since she just couldn't remember, but that was beside the point).

She took a breath, and tried to relax, pulling the blanket over her to do so as she mumbled quietly. "Okay... deeeep breaths, you've probably been through this before and you lived, so... sleep, and go to school tomorrow and get it over with so you can play with Dart!"

The pep talk, honestly, didn't do much to calm her nerves. The breaths and forcing herself to settle down did much better, though, and eventually she finally went to sleep.

She awoke for the first time ever not of her own volition, but of a gentle nudging from someone. She opened her eyes groggily, not getting near enough sleep last night to be woken up, seeing Caroline who was being quiet, not exactly what's needed for waking someone up. "Wake up, sweetie, you've got to get ready if you want to make it on time, and it ain't the sharpest idea to be late day one."

Lucia stretched in the bed, then rubbing her eyes and dragging herself to sit up. She sat there, just for a few moments, considering just laying back down or going to sleep sitting up. Instead, she yawned and nodded. "Okay... I'll get up..."

Caroline smiled softly, then going back to the door. "Good. You come out and get something to eat when you're ready, then we'll be gettin' you there." She then left, presumably back to the living room to help Sammy get ready, since he was old enough to just be starting school.

Lucia did eventually bring herself out, and didn't process too much, she ate and it felt like that was just about it before she left with Caroline, Jack, and Sammy. As she walked in the misty morning, she realized she had something on her... a backpack. She didn't know when she got the backpack, if she put it on before they all left, or if it was put on some time after that by Caroline or Jack, but she had one.

It wasn't too long until they were at the school, and it still felt too early, kids of all ages (well, ranging between five and eleven years old) were pouring in, and Lucia looked around for Dart to come as Caroline led Sammy off somewhere, likely to where his teacher was, as Jack turned to Lucia. "Well now, come on, we should have you in the line before class starts, get to know the kiddos beforehand."

She just nodded and followed him, waking up a bit more now as she got moving more and more, but still looking around for Dart. And, when Jack led her to the line, he gave her a pat on the back, as much as he could do as a guardian not knowing Lucia well while still giving some reassurance. "Alrighty, you have a good day at school now, me an' Caroline'll be here when schools out."

Lucia nodded, smiling a bit at Jack. She got to know him as a nice guy over the last few weeks, and appreciated the reassurance. "Thanks, bye!"

And, with that, she went off to the line, Jack waving her off slightly. "We'll be up front when school's out, see you then!" Then, he was gone, either to wish Sammy off or to just go back home.

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