A wedding like no other

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As the sun set over the Royal Silverhead Pack castle, excitement filled the air. It was the grandest werewolf wedding in Clovera's recent history. The guests gathered in the opulent ballroom, marveling at the luxurious decor. The walls were draped in gold and silver fabrics, and crystal chandeliers illuminated the room. The head table, adorned with flowers, awaited the bride and groom. The feast was a lavish spread .

As the night further wore on, the music began to pick up, and guests took to the dance floor, moving to the beat of the drums and the call of the horns. And then, finally, it was time for the announcement that everyone had been waiting for. The lights dimmed, and the crowd fell silent.

With the sound of the trumpets, the king stepped forward, holding a golden chalice aloft. "My fellow countrymen and comrades," he boomed, his voice echoing through the ballroom. "Tonight, we gather to celebrate the union of two of our finest. Rebecca, the daughter of my favourite Gamma and Blaze my beloved nephew, I hereby declare you mates!"

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, but their eyes were all over the place, looking again and again, at the empty head table.

The fireworks exploded overhead, lighting up the night sky with bursts of red and gold.

But there was no sign of the bride or the groom.

It was a wedding like no other.

The guests came. They ate and danced. They enjoyed. The names of the mates were called out as well.

The groom was ready and so was the bride.

But none of them showed up to their own wedding.

Peculiar indeed like Blaze himself.

He had asked his uncle to make the public announcement as he wanted but he told him that the actual mating ceremony, he would do all alone, in private.

Rebecca was flown that very day to a deserted island. She was dropped there and then the jet was gone.

Rebecca walked here and there looking for anybody who could tell her where everybody was. But there were no other living beings in sight, except for the fish swimming in the ocean.

" Hello, anybody there? "

Rebecca called out as her echo greeted her back.

She stood alone on the sandy beach, her wedding dress billowing in the gentle breeze. The sun was setting on the horizon, casting a golden glow across the sky and the ocean. She couldn't help but feel mesmerized by the beauty of the island and the vastness of the sea that surrounded her.

As she looked out to the ocean, she thought about the endless possibilities that lay ahead of her. The sea represented freedom and adventure, and she couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement in her heart. She knew that her life was about to change forever. Hopefully both the good and the bad awaited her but the scale weighed heavy towards the latter.

But at that moment, as the waves lapped at her feet and the wind caressed her face, all she could feel was a sense of peace. The island was a sanctuary, a place where she could escape from the stresses of the world and just be herself. It was a place where she could find clarity and perspective, and she was grateful for the opportunity to experience it.

Rebecca took a deep breath, inhaled the salty air, and closed her eyes. She wanted to savour every moment, to remember the feel of the sand beneath her feet, the warmth of the sun on her skin, and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore.

" You are Stephanie, I believe. "

A very deep voice suddenly asked from behind.

As Rebecca turned she saw Blaze for the very first time. Clad in his tuxedo, seated on his automated wheelchair, with hair fixed with gel and light stubble, he looked unreal.

There was no doubt that he was handsome despite his disabled state.

Rebecca thought her heart skipped a beat at the first sight of this pleasant stranger.

" I am Rebecca. I am the substitute for your bride. She fell sick at the last moment so I had to volunteer instead. "

Rebecca introduced herself as she bowed gracefully.

" Volunteered? " Blaze scoffed at the word like it was a disease, " And what made you volunteer may I ask? The wealth or the position? "

Rebecca was not ready for this. A direct accusation.

" I volunteered to save my family from the wrath of our king. That uncle of yours, if I have to be precise. " She answered with equal grit.

" Oh, I see. So you say you will be relieved if I were to release you from this duty. Is that right?"

Rebecca looked confused. What was the meaning of all of it? Was it some kind of a test or game? She didn't understand what was happening.

" What happens if I say yes? "

She asked cautiously.

" Nothing. Because your fate is already decided. You can roam around in the castle, and enjoy all the free treats. But you will never be my mate. You will never be my queen. "

He clapped three times after brutally rejecting her in the face. Images of Casper's betrayal instantly popped up under Rebecca's breast.

" I've found someone else who I feel a much stronger connection with," Blaze announced as a voluptuous beauty emerged from the back.

Rebecca watched silently as the drama unfolded in front of her eyes.

"Her name is Renne. She's smart, funny, and incredibly sexy. I think you'll like her once you get to know her as well."

"Hi there, Rebecca. It's so nice to meet you."

Renne waved at her bending down, so much so that her cleavage was popping out.

Rebecca laughed then scoffed, "I can't believe you're doing this to me."

"Oh sweetie, Blaze and I have something that you will never understand. You should just accept that ." Renne said

"Renne's right, Rebecca. This island is big enough for all of us, so why don't you go find someplace else ?" Blaze added.

Rebecca sighed,

"I can't believe this is happening. Fine, I'll go. Just make sure that you'll not regret this."

She added before haughtily walking away.

"I highly doubt that."

Blaze yelled back in her direction. Rebecca did even turn back. She kept walking.

She could hear the loud noises of them making out in their feral states. Being dumped was one thing but being bullied so was very new. She could hear them purring and yelping as they showered each other with kisses. Rebecca didn't know why but there was a strange feeling of stinging right at the centre of her chest. A sense of void is created right at that point. Nothing like that happened when even Casper told her that he wanted her no more.

She bravely held her tears back as her eyes heated up and threatened to burst open into a full-fledged sob. She clutched her fists and thrust them over both her ears as she began walking rapidly. But the smell of the heat building between them was a stench her nose could not ignore. She tried holding back her breath. Right at that moment her eyes could no longer hold back and opened their dams. The warmth trickled down her cheeks.

She kept moving faster, tracing her footsteps back, all alone, on her wedding night.

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