7| The Unexpected

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"So wah you a cook?"

DeShawn asked, we were on a video call. I don't know how it happened, but he and I have grown real close, and calls became a frequent thing. Most of the time, it's him calling me and if I don't pick....him get all miserable. I also found out that he had a playful and nice side.

"Nuh hear mih seh mih ago fry some wata?" I replied.

"C'mon, tell mih wah you a cook nuh, b."

He developed the habit of calling me "b" and whatever I say, he refuses to call me something else that was proper. So I stopped trying and made him do as he pleased.

"Garlic and butter shrimp. Mih ago eat that with white rice caz that's all weh deh here." I finally told him what I was doing.

"Eee, who and you deh home?"

He asked. I looked at him, he was smoking. I have never seen DeShawn not smoking before.

"Mih one."

"Ah, send mih yu address mih a come over."

He said and cut the call before I could protest.

Bruh, mih never ave man ova yah before....! Mih fih send him mih address tho...kmt

I ended up deciding to send my address to him. About an hour later, I saw a black Mark X pull up in the driveway then I got a text on my phone.

Mih outside.

I let out a shakey breath, I don't know why I'm so nervous. I went to open the grill and my heart was hammering in my chest. He got out of the car and walked up to me. His eyes scanned my body and I saw his expression darken.

"Wah this yaa wear??" I rolled my eyes. I was wearing a black spaghetti strapped crop top and jean shorts.

"Nuh mih yaad mih deh?? Yaa come in or you ago stand out yah so and cuss over wah mih ave on??"

He hissed his teeth and I stepped aside to let him pass before closing back the grill. He smells good as always. I went inside and found him seated on a couch, typing away on his phone.

"You want some a wah mih cook or you nuh nyam from people??" I asked.

"Mih a come." He muttered. I rolled my eyes for the millionth time and went into the kitchen, he came in some time after and sat down on a kitchen tool at the fruit island. I placed a plate in front of him and was kind enough to give him a glass of guava juice. I sat across from him with my portion.

"You can cook mon." He took a bite then looked at me with a smile.

"Nuh you say wah day yah say mih a baff hand??" I playfully rolled my eyes.

"You look like one."

After we finished eating, he offered to wash the dishes and I went up to my room. I was laying on my stomach when he came up and laid on top of me.

"DeShawn, come off a mih!" He rolled over with me, and this time, I was on top of him. I eased up, so I was straddling his waist, and he moved his hands up and down the sides of my hips.

"A fly you fly come here??" I asked him. He was back to being on his phone.

Look like him ave an addiction to him phone or something.

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