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On the day of the party, Debby went to pick up Marybeth but found that she wasn't even dressed yet. She was still in her towel. Debby raised her brows and said, "you're kidding me right? Tell me that's a fancy dress that looks like a towel. " Marybeth sighed, "I don't know what to wear. Please help. " Debby took a glance in Marybeth's wardrobe and said, "Just wear what you're comfortable in. It's just a party. " "Yeah, says the cheerleader girl who's a guy magnet, " Marybeth said with a sarcastic smile.

"Hey, I don't do it intentionally, " Debby said. "Yeah coz that makes it better, " Marybeth said with a teasy smile. "Oh come on. You're beautiful too. Plus if you really looking forward to being a guy magnet, just go in that towel. Coz damn, those legs. Even I'm impressed, "Debby said. "You're just saying that to make me feel less nervous, "Marybeth said. "Girl, I'm dead serious. You're still growing. By the time you're my age, you'll see what I'm talking about. You're just with the wrong age group. If you were still in the ninth grade, the guys there would see it. These guys see you as a baby. That's all. Anyway, let's get to it, "Debby said pulling out a cute dress from Marybeth's wardrobe.

"Is this good enough? "Debby asked. "Well it's the best dress I have for now. So I guess, "Marybeth said. "Don't fret so much. Their opinion shouldn't matter. Now go get dressed, at this rate, we'll arrive when the party is over, "Debby said sending Marybeth off to get dressed.

They finally arrived at the party and it seemed like people were already wilding out. Upon entering the house, Andrew noticed them and with a smile on his face approached Debby as though she was the only one there.

"Babe, you came, "Andrew said. "Don't call me that, "Debby said. Andrew ignored her response and put his arm around her waist and looked at Marybeth and Joseph, "You guys feel free to do whatever you want. Just don't go upstairs. " Then he walked away, taking Debby with him.

Marybeth and Joseph decided to split and do what they could to enjoy. Marybeth was really nervous and uncomfortable but didn't wanna admit it. This was what she wanted, wasn't it? To be out of the house and feel like a normal teenager but it still felt like she just didn't belong there. She decided to stand outside on the porche and take a breather.

While she was lost in her thoughts with the feeling of the evening breeze in her hair, she suddenly heard a guy's voice next to her say, "Allergic to dumb parties Genius? " Marybeth was startled and felt more embarrassed when she saw it was Cameron. But part of her also told her he wasn't talking to her so she looked around.

"I'm talking to you Marybeth, " Cameron said. Marybeth was now just shocked and asked, " know my name? " "Doesn't everyone? " Cameron asked. "Well, you're not everyone, "Marybeth said shyly. Cameron smirked with a scoff and said, "You look great. I like your hair. " Marybeth blushed a little then said, "Thank you. "

"Anyway, why are you all alone outside? The party's inside, "Cameron said. "Oh, I just felt out of place. Like there's just nothing here for me. Like I..., "Marybeth said. "Oh come on. You're just not letting loose, " Cameron interrupted, " This is literally a place to be free and do all the stupid things you wouldn't normally do. Come on, let's check out some games. How about that for a start? " Marybeth nodded shyly and left with Cameron.

They approached a table and Cameron said, " This should be an easy one. So it's kinda like ping-pong without the rackets. You're on this side and there's someone on the other. On each end, there's cups arranged and filled with alcohol and only one is empty. So all you have to do is make sure the little ball lands in the cup. " "What happens if it doesn't? "Marybeth asked. "Oh that's the fun part. You take a shot, " Cameron said. "Oh I don't drink. I'm underage and yeah I just don't, " Marybeth said. "Oh come on, I'm sure your genius brain won't miss. Plus if you miss, I'll take the shot for you, "Cameron said looking straight into her eyes.

She felt a few butterflies in her belly but tried to hide it. Then agreed to play. She took the ball in her hand and just as she was gathering courage and making sure she aimed right, she felt the world start spinning and suddenly there was three of everything and everyone. The voices started to fade but she stood strong. She tried to brush it off till she was able to take her pills. She then heard Cameron say, "You can do this. I believe in you. " That woke her a little. She soon regained some stability and took her shot with the ball. Luckily for her, it landed in the cup. She felt great as Cameron cheered her on.

Joseph was at the tables with the food and drinks just stuffing his mouth. He figured there was nothing better to do seeing as he wasn't popular or hot so obviously, no one would be interested in talking to him or something.

Then suddenly two hot cheerleaders approached him. "Hey handsome, " they both said. He looked behind him to see if they were talking to someone else but there was no one behind him. He swallowed the food in his mouth with a gulp and asked, "Me? " "Yes you, silly. Who else is here? "They said getting closer to him. One of them pinched his cheeks while the other grabbed his arm. Joseph was confused but couldn't deny that he loved the attention so he decided to let loose for the night. The alcohol was probably messing with the girls' heads, he thought.

Then one of the girls said, "Hey, there's a pool outside. Wanna join. " "Oh, ah, I don't have my swimming tranks, " Joseph said. "Neither do we, " the other girl said. They both gave him winks and gestures and of course he got the signal.

Marybeth was so busy having fun with Cameron that she forgot about her pills. Her hallucinations and dizziness were getting worse. While she could still stand on her feet, she tried to get away so she could take her medicine. Before she could make it out, she heard people screaming and laughing. Everyone was looking and pointing out side to Joseph who was totally naked and somehow trapped outside coz he tried to get back in with other doors but they were locked. Joseph looked sad and embarrassed and when he saw the two cheerleaders, who told him to meet them there, laughing at him, he felt stupid for thinking hot girls like them would want anything to do with him. Of course, not even in a drunken state can girls go for him. He simply tried to hide himself by hiding behind a wall and figuring out a way to get his clothes which were inside.

Marybeth felt really bad for her best friend as everyone took pictures and videos and laughed at him mercilessly. She wanted to help him but then someone announced, "Look more nerd humour. " Marybeth saw that people were looking at a video which was projected on the largest wall in the room.

She didn't know what it was about at first but soon realised it was a video of her. She was holding a mop and talking to it as though it was a person. She was saying, " Oh yes Cameron, I will marry you. I love you so much. " She then started twirling around as though dancing with the mop and finally made a kissy face but tripped and ended up falling on the mop face first with her mouth slightly open.

The video stopped there and kept playing on loop. Marybeth felt so embarrassed as everyone pointed and laughed at her. She was already feeling sick and suffocated and this made her throw up. People were disgusted by her and called her names and pushed her around and took videos and pictures of her too. She felt so helpless. Debby was nowhere to be seen and Cameron had seemed to disappear as well. She quickly ran out of there and went outside.

While she was exiting the gate, she called her mother. "Hey baby, how's the party going? "Mrs Williams asked with enthusiasm which was suddenly drained when she heard Marybeth cry. "Mom, come get me. I wanna come home, "Marybeth said. "Is everything okay? "Mrs Williams asked sounding worried. Hearing the change of tone in Mrs Williams' voice, Mr Williams got intrigued. "Marybeth, baby. Hello, "Mrs Williams said through the phone as though she couldn't hear anything. She quickly cut the call. "What's wrong? "Mr Williams asked in eager. "We have to go get Marybeth. She sounded like she was crying and now there's no response. I'm just worried that..., " Mrs Williams. "Relax, let's go, " Mr Williams said cutting her worries short.

They arrived at the street where Andrew's house was located. "Are you sure this is the right street? "Mr Williams asked. "Yes, I'm certain, "Mrs Williams said. After a while, they could hear music. "I think we're close. It should be that house over there, "Mr Williams said pointing at a house with coloured lights radiating from it. As they approached the gate, they saw a girl lying unconscious on the ground. They immediately realised it was Marybeth and quickly stopped the car.

Mrs Williams ran to where Marybeth was and knelt down to try and wake her up. But when she turned her head, she noticed that there was blood on her hands and realised Marybeth had hit her head and was bleeding. She gasped and shouted for Mr Williams who had just reached where they were. "She's bleeding, " Mrs Williams said in a panic. Mr Williams quickly took Marybeth in his arms and carried her to the car.

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