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As a 7th year Gryffindor, you take solace in your quiet lunches nestled comfortably just at the edge of the Forbidden Forest. Seven years of enduring boarding school life, surrounded by drama and raging hormones, will certainly do that to a person. Even with a murderer on the loose, you still venture outside to eat and study in peace, just as you've done almost everyday before. But you don't expect it when you're visited by an ominous looking dog, one that comes waltzing out of the bushes, bright eyed and innocently begging for food. You certainly don't expect to end up assisting him in catching the man who framed him for murder, either.



After much demand (none, actually) I have chosen to upload this to Wattpad!

If you aren't familiar, hi! I'm pennynever from AO3. I started this reader insert in 2018, took an extremely long hiatus, and then crawled back from the dead to wrap up the events of Prisoner of Azkaban and to hopefully continue all the way to Deathly Hallows (perhaps by the time I'm 100 years old if I'm going at this rate.) This fic is my baby, honestly. It started as a daydream that spiraled into pages upon pages of outlines. It's definitely ridiculous at times, but I think that's part of its (possible) charm. Recently, I had a reader make me realize that there's likely an audience for this on Wattpad, and I live to please. 

I just want to note a few things:

This fic is LONG. It's so long. I don't shut up. Ever. Professors hate me for this.

This fic is romance! Yes, there is an age difference! The reader is meant to be 18 at the start of PoA, and Sirius Black is 34 at the start of the book. I understand this squicks people out, so please do not read if that makes you uncomfortable. Sirius Black will be my mentally stunted man child until I die and I get that isn't for everyone. The romance itself may not be evident in every single chapter, so if you're looking for something perhaps more smutty this is not the place (for now...) I write kissing scenes with my eyes closed and the day I write smut for this story will be the day I go off the grid fully, too ashamed to ever check my notifications or look my mother in the eyes ever again.

I also (personally) think you can imagine Sirius however you want. My descriptions will probably work if you want to see Gary Oldman, Ben Barnes, or some other fancast out there! You do you!

As a reader insert, this story is meant to be as ambiguous as possible in terms of body shape/hair/race, however there are aspects (such as she/her pronouns) that are specified. Listen, not everyone has a happy family, but this is fiction and I'm going to give you one because this entire thing is projection at its finest. You're a 7th year Gryffindor, cocky and brave and as impulsive and rash as the rest of them. As a Slytherin at heart, it hurts me too, but as a bad writer who loves convenient plot devices, it is how it is, baby.

Lastly, enjoy! It means so much to me that you're coming along for this wild, slightly unhinged, slightly crackish, ride.

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