Chapter Six

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You part with Sirius after promising to check on Harry; going back to the castle and ridding yourself of the remains of face paint staining your face and your still dripping rain poncho. When day turns to evening, and evening to night, you finally make your way out of the tower, slipping past the beds of your now sleeping roommates and taking your jacket with you, since after visiting Harry your next destination will be the Shrieking Shack to meet with Sirius once more.

When you reach the Hospital Wing, you stop outside of the doors. Is it too late to give yourself a pep talk to get yourself through what could be a potentially awkward encounter? You've waited the appropriate amount of time for close friends and teammates of Harry to leave his side, and for Madam Pomfrey to resign back to her office for the rest of the night, so you know you won't have to explain your reasoning to them, but what are you supposed to say to Harry? "Hello, you don't know me that well -if at all- but I'm on pretty good terms with your godfather; you know, the same guy that everyone thinks is a crazy death eater who will murder anyone who gets too close? Anyway, he's really worried about you, so I'm just dropping by to see if you're alive or not!" Improvisation isn't really your strong suit, but you're not about to go back on your word to Sirius. And hey, you're a brave and bold Gryffindor, aren't you? A little social interaction never hurt anyone before!

Actually, with your luck you'd probably end up being the first that doesn't apply to.

You square your shoulders, pushing open the doors before your internal, anxiety-induced monologue goes on for too long. Most of the beds are barren, and one boy is sleeping on the bed at the back of the room, but the one you're looking for is closest to the door, fast asleep and looking very much alive. You sigh in relief, whispering a relieved, "Yes!" under your breath at the sight of a perfectly fine Harry Potter. You feel silly for being worried in the first place; you don't need a compelling enough reason for visiting him that's believable anymore, because you don't have to explain yourself to someone who's not awake to hear it.

You take the time to observe him properly, even going so far as to take a glance at the medical notes on the board at the end of his bed, thankful for having learned enough about the art of healing that you can decipher all of the medical terms scribbled down by the matron. He looks fine, albeit a bit pale with a few scrapes here and there, but in good health nonetheless. You're relieved to know you won't be going to Sirius with bad news about his godson.

Satisfied to know he's okay, you pivot on your heel, ready to leave- but the sound of a voice laced with sleep calling out causes you to freeze, turning back around to find Harry waking up. "Hello?" He greets questioningly, his eyes are barely open, and he clumsily reaches out for his glasses resting on the table beside him, putting them on to get a better look at who it is visiting him so late. "Who are you?"

So much for not having to make up an excuse. You just had to jinx it, didn't you? "Hello! You're awake and coherent- that's great! I'm a Gryffindor, too; a 7th year- you might know me? [Y/N]?" You sputter.

He nods after a moment of thought, recognition finally showing through, but he doesn't look fully certain. "I think I've seen you with Fred and George sometimes?" It comes out as a question.

"That's me; you've probably seen me getting dragged into their shenanigans every now and then."

"They're fine, though? Are you looking for them?"

You shake your head. "No, I actually came here to see you. I saw you take that nasty spill during the match. As one of your seniors I'm..." Failing miserably at thinking of an excuse on the spot? "-Here on behalf of the rest of the 7th years to make sure you're okay!" Nailed it. "Except for Wood, though. I'm not here on his behalf, so maybe don't tell him. I mean, you can- but, uh, he's a sensitive boy, you know? Wouldn't want you to know he cares about more than just the game; and he can tell you all that on his own. Anyway, you're alive. That's good. It's best that I be on my way now!" Sirius owes you big time.

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