Chapter Seven

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As November ends and December begins, sneaking out at night and during Hogsmeade trips becomes as much of a part of your routine as sitting outside during lunch has, the latter of which having been put on hold due to the weather becoming unbearably cold, even for Sirius when in his fluffy animagus form.

You don't remember when, but at some point you're not just sneaking out to discuss how to catch Peter, or to tell Sirius about how his godson is doing; but just to talk to him about anything and everything. You enjoy Sirius' company as much as he does yours, and it helps keep him sane to have someone stopping in and taking his mind off of things with just their presence. You click so well together, and he welcomes the conversations you two share with open arms; happy to have another living soul by his side that isn't a cat.

You can't imagine how depressing it is for him being stuck hiding out in the Shrieking Shack with nothing to keep him from resigning back into his head where, if you're being honest, probably isn't the healthiest place for him to be at the moment. If you can help quell what must be maddening loneliness with your company, you're more than happy to, even finding yourself missing his company when you can't find the chance to visit.

But still, as much as you enjoy the time spent with Sirius, you can't lose focus of the point of it all. There's a killer in your midst, one that has spent far too long hiding from the crimes he's committed against people he once saw as friends, and catching him is Sirius' only chance at freedom. Knowing how much it must be hurting Sirius inside to be so close to freedom yet so unable to do anything pains you, more than you ever expected it to, but it makes you want to work harder to help him. That goal now seems more important- more meaningful. It'd be nice to be able to see the man who you consider a friend in ways that aren't limited to what one would consider clandestine meetings; ones that if discovered could result in an Azkaban cell with both your names on it if Peter isn't brought to justice beforehand.

It makes you wonder where the two of you would stand when all is said and done, and Peter is brought to justice and Sirius is no longer marked as a danger to muggle and wizard kind. The friendship between you and Sirius is one that has deepened considerably faster than any other relationship that have made in your time at Hogwarts, and you find comfort in the bond that's formed between the two of you; but would that still be the case when you no longer serve a purpose to him? Would he still want you in his life when your help isn't needed anymore? You try to push those worries aside whenever they rear back into your focus; fearing the real reason why such thoughts would upset you so much lies somewhere beyond wanting to keep him as a friend.


"So, are you absolutely certain that a rat is the right pet for you? They're a lot of work, and Fred and George said they were surprised at your interest in getting one."

How one boy with no awareness of proper pet care can be so protective is beyond you. You hold your tongue when the desire to point out how this is the first time in weeks he's been able to keep track of Scabbers' whereabouts long enough to even interact with him rises inside of you. You're trying to get him to believe you have a genuine interest, not offend him. "Yes, Ron. As I said the first seventy-two times, I am absolutely, without a doubt ready to become a rat owner and know it's the right choice for me." Good for you for saying that with a straight face. That's progress.

With all your classes done for the week, you sit on the floor across from Ron in the Gryffindor common room, trying not to let your disgust show as Scabbers, who you know to be a grown man hiding in the form of a rat, leisurely grooms himself on the coffee table's surface in front of you, feeling bold enough to do so without Crookshanks lurking nearby.

You're never doing homework at this table again. Eugh.

As it turns out, visiting Harry did more than just give Sirius peace of mind that his godson was okay. it wasn't just a mere twist of fate that the following week after Harry was let go from the hospital wing, Ron had finally gotten back to you about using Scabbers as practice for learning how to care for a rat. Apparently Harry had told him about you dropping in to check on his well being, and that was enough proof for Ron to see that his rat would be in good hands if he were to lend him to you. Whenever that will be, because unfortunately for you and Sirius, Ron has taken on the role of a helicopter mom, and has been limiting your time with Scabbers to brief encounters during breakfast and in the evening, and that's only when he's able to successfully keep him in his sights long enough before Crookshanks catches his scent and attempts to go in for the kill.

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