939 48 4

june 4, 2024

danielle walked hand in hand with haerin as they tried to find their way back to their hotel. haerin was trying to type in the name of her hotel on google maps, but she sighed and ended up handing her phone to danielle.

"dani... i forgot the name of my hotel... can i just stay at yours instead..?" haerin asked sheepishly, slightly embarrassed that she had forgotten her hotel's name.

danielle chuckled a little and replied, "yes, that's fine with me, but i will have to warn you that my parents are sharing the room, so..."

haerin also smiled. "well i don't really have much of a choice..."

"also, put your number on my phone, pretty please."


haerin followed danielle as the two walked through lisbon with the help of google maps. she watched as danielle looked down at her phone, then looked up to the street, then back down at her phone again, then back up to the street before looking right, then left, then finally making a turn at every single intersection they came across. danielle looked like a golden retriever who was lost from home, scurrying all over the place.

you're so cute, my little navigator.

after a few minutes of danielle leading haerin around, the two came to a stop in front of a bakery. the smell of freshly baked bread and newly brewed coffee enticed both of them to walk inside.

"haerin, just a quick little detour..."


after haerin ordered 2 custard tarts, an iced coffee, and an iced tea in flawless portuguese (which had danielle blushing as she paid), they looked around before they found at a table for two close to a wall. the air conditioning in the bakery cooled them off as they waited. danielle took a seat and returned haerin's phone to her.

still standing, haerin said, "hey, dani. take a picture with me. first pic of us together, i promise it'll be cute."

danielle jumped up out of her seat like an excited puppy. the chair behind her thumped loudly on the floor, turning the heads of people nearby.

"oh- sorry, everyone! i'll just-"

she quickly moved the chair back into place before turning back to face haerin.

"what pose should we do? like this, this, or this?"

danielle flawlessly pulled off 3 poses before haerin spoke again.

"well, i was just kinda thinking that... you could kiss me?"

"oh. that works too!"

haerin held the phone up and smiled while danielle kissed her cheek. she quickly snapped a photo before sitting back down.

"soooo... what're you gonna do with 'em?" danielle inquired. "are you gonna post 'em on your story, or what?"

"i'm just gonna keep it in my camera roll because it's a happy memory of mine."

"oh. okay!"

the store owner called haerin's name, and she stood up to go grab her order.


haerin returned to the table and gave danielle a custard tart and the iced tea she ordered. haerin took the remaining tart and the iced coffee.

while haerin was sorting out the food and drink, danielle quickly took a photo of her on snapchat, and captioned it

"first date, kinda nervous 🧍‍♀️"

danielle decided to not post it on her story and instead she just saved the photo to her camera roll.

she put her phone down and watched haerin scoop out the custard filling from the tart with a spoon. danielle followed, doing the same with her spoon, but instead of holding the spoon up to her mouth, she held it up to haerin's.

"uh- uhm... you-"

with her free hand, she pointed at haerin.

"you feed me,"

danielle smiled, then she pointed back at herself.

"i feed you.. okay?"

haerin nodded and grinned. "okay! let's do it, hehe"

"ok, on the count of three."

"one, two... three!"

a/n- new laufey album out!!!
(so sorry again for the slow ass update, my girl done dropped a whole new album while i was gone. i promise tho i'll keep updating, but again it will probably be slow due to school :[ ) 

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