Host Club[2]

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Chapter 2

The trio continue to walk down the hallway, as they walk Naoki look outside the windows to see what had happened outside the buildings. He thought there will maybe some students study or playing outside because the weather seem nice that day but no one was there.

"This school seem is extremely quiet on this nice day" Naoki said as they continue to walk, Honey giggles at his sentence meanwhile Mori just continue to walk. "Maybe they in the library or at Host Club!" Honey said smiling happily which make Naoki tilted his head a little.


"They don't usually study there, they just talk" Honey continue to talk, Mori just nod at everything Honey said. Naoki tilted his head as he heard it, he can't believe students at this school. 'they are rich people' Naoki thought to himself even if he is also from that category.

"But some of them also used the library properly" Mori said, he try to change what Naoki's think of rich people. Naoki smile at it, he knew Mori will always be able to read what he think.

Soon enough, they arrive at the room with two signs "Music Room#3" and "still preparing"

As they enter the room, four young male and a boy who look certainly very feminine sit on the sofa in front of them. On the other side of the room was few of the guests sit at the table drinking their tea elegantly.

"Welcome to the host club~"

"Wait, it's just Mori-senpai and Honey-senpai" Hikaru said sighing along with Kaoru, they really thought it was customer, huh. "Who's that?" Ask the two in unison as they look behind Mori and Honey, Naoki was standing there smiling and waving at them.

"His name is Naoki Hizashi, third year student that just transferred to Ouran this morning" Kyoya said as he take a look at his book and then back at Naoki. "He is quite a looker" Tamaki said as he looked at Naoki from head to toe, Haruhi can only sigh at his senpai's behavior.

"Thank you for the compliment!" Naoki smiling at Tamaki's words, if people don't know him they might say he is air-headed even if he is not. "Do you know him, Mori-senpai? Honey-senpai?" Ask Haruhi as she take a glance at Naoki before she focused her attention at Honey and Mori.

Honey nod excited by Haruhi's question, he really want to tell them about the two relationship but then the guests go towards their direction with a smile on their face. When they saw Naoki, they immediately blush as they walking more faster towards him.

"Naoki, who's the one who leave mark on your body?"
"Yes, when I saw that I blush!"
"Huh? Pardon?"
"Oh, we are from your class!"
"That's explained about that"
"What mark?"

The twins ask interrupting Naoki and the girls were actually talking to each other. Naoki chuckles a little before showing the twins the scratches and bite marks as he smile. Tamaki blush at the marks meanwhile the twins got more curious.

"You shouldn't be showing that" Kyoya said as he writing something down to his black book, Naoki nod as he wear his tie back and button his shirt back. But his shirt's buttons were messier than before making him look like sloopy, he ways had problem to button something up.

Mori go over to him and helping his button his shirt, he didn't even realize people were staring at his action but it's already become his habit. Everyone had shock expression on their face as they see what Mori just did but they just thought he dislike how sloppy he look like.

"Thank you, dear~" Naoki said giggling as he kiss Mori's cheekbone which cause the others to shout out of shock except for himself, Mori, Kyoya and Honey. Even if Kyoya don't know what just happened, he just keep it calm. "DEAR?!!!" Tamaki and the guests shout once again making the room more noisy than it is now.

"Something wrong?" Naoki titled his head asking Tamaki and the guestfts, well maybe he is a little bit of an idiot. They seem to be malfunctioning for a while, Honey laugh at theirs reaction.

"What's the relationship between you two?" Ask Haruhi with shocked face, she is shock by two different things today. One, The transfer student just kiss Mori's cheekbone without any fear in his face. And two, they are both boys which she found that more shocking.

"Mmmm, we are childhood best friend along with Mitsukuni, we're classmate... We're also engaged" Naoki said as he listed all of the relationship between them to the other. They shout when they heard the word 'engaged'

Who would thought the wild type had already engaged and it's to a boy!

"For how long?" Ask Kaoru and Hikaru as they lean closer towards Naoki with questioning face. "Around....."

"We met at the age of 5... Then we officially got engaged few months before... But at that time it's still in the same year..."
"Aren't you two engaged first before even meeting each other, Nao-chan?"
"Oh you're correct! But I can't recall at what age we start engaged..."
"Father said we got engaged before we're even born"

The three were talking to each other, trying to remember at what age they engaged to each other. Mori's father once said they had already had engaged way before they were born into this world. But they met each other at the age of 5 which confused them even more.

"18 or 15 years I think? I don't know which one" Naoki said smiling, he turned his attention to the others who's still have pure shock face. "I don't want to interrupt your talk but we need to open host club" the Shadow King spoke while smiling but his smile did not show sincerity or joy at all.

"Nao-chan, you can sit at my table with Takashi!" Honey said energetically, Naoki and Mori nod at the words smiling a little. "We will talk about this again later! But for now, ladies let be your king today~" Tamaki said almost like shouting but his personality immediately change as the guests make their way to him.

Tamaki take on of the guest's hand then he kiss it at the back of hand. The guest was blushing at it, the other guests also blush while thought of them in her position. "We will definitely talk about that later" Kyoya said as he repair his glasses position and open his black book once again.

He make his way towards his table where the guests had waited for him. The twins already at their table acting their normal routine and act of 'brotherly Love'. Haruhi just sigh at their act, as she focused her attention to the guests.

Well, it's going to be a long day...

To be continue...

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