A Strange Girl And A Demon[3]

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Chapter 3

Naoki was laying on the floor inside his fiance's living room waiting for his parents and sisters to stop talking to his in-laws. Mori was sitting next to him reading a book while pat Naoki's head calmly, Honey was eating his sweets meanwhile Yasuchika just look at him weirdly and Satoshi prepared his kendo shinai.

Naoki close his eyes as he heard footsteps coming to the living room fastly but then the sound of someone fall can be heard by him. 'that must be hurt, well, who ask you to run inside the house' Naoki thought to himself closing his eyes back as he continue to daydreaming.

The door of the living room widely open reveal Mariana and Mariane, the two girls who had blue hair just smile widely as they drag their brother from the floor towards where their parents at.

"No time to explain!"
"Na-san!!! At least let me walk by myself!!"
"Just follow us!"

Naoki is crying fake tears as his older sisters enter the room with him in their arms. Don't look down to these two, they had a good strength if it's come to both psychical and mental. Even Naoki don't stand a chance if he fight using fist or mind with them and we can count him as a perfect boy.

"Mariana, Mariane, don't drag your brother like that!" Their mother said, the blue haired woman with a bright blue eyes, she didn't even look like in her 50an. Naoki smile at his mother's words, he know his mother would always he-

"But instead drag him by collar next time!!" Naoki stare at his mother dumbfounded, talk about change of personality in minute. His father-in-law laugh along with his uncle-in-law, his father just sit there sipping his tea while sighing.

Mariana and Mariane nodding at the sentence agree, they would totally do that to Naoki next time.

"Okay, enough with that" His father said clapping his hands together to make his children focused to what he want to say. Mariana and Mariane sit next to their mother while smiling meanwhile Naoki take a seat next to his father-in-law.

"Why are you calling me here without the others?" Naoki ask politely with respect in his tone, he don't want to be rude in front of them. "How was your day, Naoki?" Ask his father-in-law, Akira turn his head to his son-in-law's direction.

'it's great! A guy want me to enter the same club as Honey and Mori, they call it Host club, it's so interesting and unique and it's catch my attention!... yeah, no that's not my answer" Naoki thought to himself sipping tea that was given by his mother a moment ago. He making questioning face as he sipping the tea making it look like he was thinking.

"It's.... okay?"
"You must met Mitsukuni and Takashi's club"
"How do you know, uncle?"
"Your reaction tell me what I need to know"

Naoki stop his movement and start to stare at Yorihisa with blank face, who would guess this male know about that club? Well, the question supposed to be who don't know about the infamous host club! Even parents know the host club!

"And yes, I met them... they also asked me to become a member" Naoki said sighing, he still need to think of the answer to it. Yes? Or No? Which one do you prefer? Yes so that Naoki can spent time with Mori more along with "taking care" of the customers or No meaning Naoki will be the normal boy?

"You? In a club?" Mariana said raising her eyebrows, she surely aware that her brother hate to be in club because he said he is too 'busy'. Mariane share the same look as her twin sister staring at Naoki like he did something bad.

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