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I got to Sharon's apartment and immediately went to pick out the outfit, the night had to go perfectly, so after finding some old dress Sharon had and trying it on, I decided it was the one.

Sharon: Uau, you look beautiful, way better than I ever looked in that.

Y/n: I don't believe you, I bet you looked amazing too. *She blushed but instantly went back to her normal diplomatic look*

Sharon: Thanks, but so today on the date, please don't screw up, everything has to be according to plan, no improvising.

Y/n: Aw is that your way to say good luck?

Sharon: Sure. *She said laughing a little*

Y/n: Don't worry Sherry, I am the best at this type of thing.

Sharon: I know you are, I am just nervous.

Y/n: Then don't be, I am just doing my job. *I hug her, because I know that she really worries sometimes and it's great to feel like I have got someone to do that for me*

Sharon: Wow that was unexpected but thanks, I needed that, I just want you to know how happy I am to be able to be your partner, and on top of all your friend.

Y/n: Uau, Sharon does have feelings *I laugh* But yeh thank you as well, for always protecting me, and for being my best friend, yeah that title is way better.

Sharon: I like the sound of that, go get her now, and be safe.

Y/n: I am always safe bestie, see you later!

I finish getting everything and start to drive to the vengers facilities, where I go to pick up Wanda. I wait a little bit for her to come down, but when she does my mouth drops to the floor, uau, was that my girlfriend?

Wanda: Hey Y/n you look amazing, I am sorry I took a while I just arrived from shopping with Nat.

Y/n: It's ok, but I look amazing?!? Have you looked into the mirror, you look like a goddess and I mean it.

Wanda: Oh thank you, you are gonna make me blush *She covers her face with her hand* You are the best, really.

Y/n: Well ma'am you are not so bad yourself *She laughs*

Wanda: Yeah... But now I guess we better get going.

Y/n: Yeah, you are totally right, it's this exclusive club in town and we can't be late or we lose our spot. 

We got into the car and drove to the club, it was full of people but thank god we didn't lose our table, I had booked it months before, so it was important. After some hours of partying and having fun we were both very drunk so diving was no longer an option. So my drunk brain thought it was a good idea to improvise and walk to my apartment, because it was much closer, and crash there. Except we didn't just sleep and it wasn't a good idea.

-- In the morning --

I woke up with the worst headache and an unclothed person next to me, I looked at the clock and it was 9 am, I couldn't even think straight, so I just looked at Wanda admiring what I just pulled off until she started to open her eyes, so I tried to hide the fact that I was staring.

Wanda: Hey good morning beautiful... *She said, still sleepy*

Y/n: Good morning sleepyhead.

Wanda: Sorry, I just haven't slept this well in a long while, I loved last night-

Suddenly I stopped listening to her, the only thought in my mind was last night, I looked around once more and noticed where I was, MY APARTMENT, Sharon is going to kill me, I have to get Wanda out of here and fast.

Y/n: Sure, I think that too of course but now you have to go.

Wanda: What are you kidding me?

Y/n: No, my roommate will be home any minute and you can't be here.

Wanda: Or we could hang out a little bit more, Will she be mad if she sees two friends hanging out?

Y/n: No Wanda, you are not listening, you have to go, we can hang out later if you want but now- *She interrupts me*

Wanda: Ok if that is what you want *She storms out of the apartment, clearly crying but I can't stop her, I needed her to go, whether she wanted to or not*

After seconds of Wanda leaving Sharon opens the door. They clearly crossed paths but in the state Wanda was in I don't think she noticed.

Sharon: Y/n are you ok? What happened? Why was Wanda in the apartment?

Y/n: *At this point I couldn't stop the tears* It was all my fault we got drunk... We couldn't drive so I did what you told me not to do and improvised... We had fun last night but I was scared you would find out so I told her to leave... I ruined everything.

Sharon pulled me close and hugged me tight whispering that all was going to be okay until I calmed down.

Sharon: I am not mad, I can't be mad at you, you did what you thought was best, it was dumb, but it was better than getting arrested for drunk driving. And don't worry this is still fixable, you can get Wanda back, I know you will.

Then my hungover brain did something crazy again, I kissed Sharon, and shortly after fell asleep, so later I had no memory of that happening. The next day, after waking up I only recalled the pep-talk she had given me so I had to get Wanda back and that was what I was planning to do when I sneaked out of the apartment to see her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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