Chapter Two

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Someone p.o.v

       I arrive at my destination and look at the place where my master told me to come. As I walk I heard some noise from a near I jump to the nearest tree and observe those human.  "  Can you walk? I'll carry you if you don't mind, even though I look like this I was quite strong "  the boy with scar in the forehead ask the man with black kimono   ' wait that man is master!'  I was quite surprised to see master acting weak in front of that man.  'AKAZA'  master called me in my mind.  ' are you done with your work that I give you?  '   Master ask me while not looking at me 
'Yes master ' I answer him through mind.
' Good ,you can go now' master said and I get out of that place . Finding that <thing> is quite a hustle , BTW why would master want with that weakling?  I can tell that boy is too weak and useless .  " hmm, should I kill it.  "  I was thinking of doing it when I suddenly feel pain and  fall at the tree where I was jumping to go back at my place   *cough* * cough*  I cough up so much blood and the pain increase  " Master. "  I said it because I know master was the reason why I feel pain  "  I w—-won't d—do it  "  I said with difficulty    'Sh*t it's hurt' I curse at my mind. It's ok if it's from humans doing but if master is the one who would punish us it's really like I was going to die from pain .  Why would master protect that weakling .

Tanjiro p.o.v

     I bring the man in the house, while we walk I smell something metallic it's BLOOD! I run as soon as I realize that what I smell is blood.  "  W——what happen?  "  I ask myself when I see Nezuko lying on the ground hugging Rokuta   "  what happen? How could this happen?  "  I  look inside and broke my heart when I see my family have been murdered   " A—— ahhhh!!!!  MOTHER ! Takeo!!  Hanako!! Shigura !!  " I called their name but no one will answer me   My family are gone.  Why? Why would someone do this?  *sniff*  * sniff*  I smell someone's odor that different from my family it's full of blood and it's disgusting to smell.  I was crying there when the man I help tap my shoulder.  " What happen?  "  he ask   "  A monster killed my family, there is different smell here  I know that it's not a bear or any kind of wild animals would do this because I could smell that someone murder my family. " I told him and look at him straight to the eyes while crying  "  I will hunt down that person , I will never forgive him   "  I said and stand up  I need to buried them and pray for them so they could rest in piece .  The man help me  buried my family and pray for them   " Anó... we were together since yesterday night but I still don't know your name  "  I ask the man because I still don't know his name   "  Sorry I forget to introduce myself  I'm Muzan Kibutsuji " Muzan introduced himself and help me up  " why are you at the wood  " I ask him curiously  " A monster attack me and bring me here I was just walking on the street and I don't quite remember after that " he explain to me . I was captivated by his eyes it's red bad it's so beautiful and I heard my heart beat so fast   " A—— ahh ok. Let me help you to get back to your place " I said without looking at him    " But what about you? Are you going to stay here?  " Muzan ask me  and I think about it and it's make me sad ' where would I go?' I ask my self and
look at him I don't know where I go  " Anó... I don't know where I go... I don't have any relative  here ... so I don't have anywhere to go " I said to him while looking down  " Why not coming with me ? " he offered while he smile to me   " Are you sure? It is really ok to come with you? How about your family?  Are they not going to get mad "  I question him . What if his family get mad because he bring me with him  " I don't have Family either, their gone too "  I smell a sadness at him  " Are they killed by the monster? " I ask him  " Yeah they are " Muzan answer. 

After a few days we arrived at Muzan house it's big enough for one person  we travel at night because Muzan said he has allergies to sun.  " Your house is big, are you living alone ?  "  I ask him because it's really big for him. He must be lonely because of this big house.  " Yeah, but not anymore  " he smiled at me  "  your with me so I won't feel alone and sad.  "  he  continue and open the door   " Let's go inside , so that we could rest early  "  he said and lead me to my room   " This will be your bedroom from now on  and tomorrow night we'll go shopping for your clothes  "  he told me and I look around the room it's beautiful and comfortable inside   " Thank you Muzan-sama  " I bow my head to thank him  "  Just call me Muzan  " he smiled , but I feel like I must call him like that   " But I was ——- " I was interrupt by Muzan putting his finger in my lips so that I could not complete my sentence  " Tanjiro I want you to call me by my name only it's make me closer to you and it's make us comfortable with each other. "  He said and I just nod my head because I was scared that he may heard my heartbeat. " Good night Tanjiro " he then kiss my forehead and close the door   " E—-ehhh!!!  " I was so shock and I feel my face heated I'm sure I was red like tomato.  After I calm myself I clean up and sleep while thinking of Muzan  ' am I in love with him? But we just meet, it's feels like I've known him for to long . '  I shrug the feeling I feel and fall asleep.

   Muzan p.o.v

     " Finally I have him inside of my house, our home . " I smile at myself, I was really happy right now after waiting for so many years I could finally have you within my gasp I will never let you leave me again  " Yukiro " I called his previous name  " My lovely Yukiro🎶🎶 Oh my lovely Tanjiro 🎶🎶 " I was humming and calling his name when I suddenly heard a knock   *knock*  *knock*   " What it is Akaza ? " I ask the person who knock at the door  " Master there is a lead about that 'thing'  "  Akaza inform me and I was overwhelming with happiness. Having my beloved Tanjiro and obtaining the Blue Spider Lily's whereabout are the most beautiful and wonderful day of my life. After Akaza told me about the information I dismissed him and starting my Experiment so that I could create a cure for this curse I'm sure it will fun to walk in the sun with my beloved .


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