Chapter Six

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Muzan p.o.v

  It's been few months when Tanjiro remember everything and I erased it again but he's acting weird, even though he act like before there still something wrong with him. Right now where having dinner date in one of the famous restaurants around Tokyo, I'm eating but I put it inside of my body that easily throw up so that he doesn't question me why I was not eating.

I know he's suspicious of me but he always put it aside   " Love, what  are you thinking?  " I ask him  while looking at the food  " Hmm it's quite good here the view is beautiful and relaxing. " he said while smiling, it's good to see him smile even though I know it's fake he was not comfortable here " Excuse me for a while I need to use the restroom. "  he excused himself and I just nodded to him. 

While waiting I feel something is really wrong and Tanjiro still not here with unease feeling I followed him in the restroom but I didn't see or feel him there  " Love ? " I called but no one answer  " Love, stop playing hide and seek already it's not good . " I said but there's no answer again  " Akaza " I called one of the uppermoon  " Find him! Find Tanjiro!! " I shout with anger  " Those pest dear to touch my queen they're asking for death " I said and destroy the restaurant because of my enrage.

It's been 5 years since they got Tanjiro from me. And I meet Yukiro, the real Yukiro  he explained to me that he did not die back then because he was a demon and he leave me his clone to find the main ingredient to my medicine because he was the first one to drink that it to see if it's effective and he was a natural demon who can walk in the broad daylight because he did not eat human and he doesn't have karma so he did not bear the consequences of the curses. We've been together 4 years ago and I still did not stop finding Tanjiro because he's mine.  " Love what we're you thinking? " Yukiro ask me   "It was nothing " I said and look at him with caring eyes  ' if Tanjiro was here he would hug me and ask what I was thinking. ' I said to myself.  " hmm?  " he (Yukiro) him and I just sign that everything is fine so we continue our walk.

Yukiro's p.o.v

It's frustrating. How could Muzan-sama  still finding that insignificant pest . It's been 4 f^ ck!ng years but still not give up. Muzan-sama is mine how could that pest replace me no.. no he does not replace me he is the replacement not me. Sigh, I miss the past when I was only the one who is important to Muzan-sama .

In the past~~~

I am new to the house where I will be serving. According to the news I heard, the son of my Master is sick and weak, that's why his parents love him so much. They are looking for expert doctors to prolong their child's life. " You! " a woman who I think is the head maiden of the newcomers pointed to me   " What is that? " I asked  " Follow me and the young master will be at your service " the head maiden said and I followed her  " poor him that he went to the young master, I know this slave doesn't last long " whispered a maid  " I think so too, there's no way he will last long when the young master had a bad temper " the other maid say. 'maybe she's been here for a long time, but I have to last in this job because I need money'  I promised in my mind. After a few minutes of walking we arrived at a part of the house where the garden is very beautiful and the surrounding is relaxing but you can feel the sadness surrounding it. <Tok> <tok> "This is Hakura the head maid, young master. "  introduction of the head maiden  " Come in.. *cough* *cough * " answered the person inside we entered slowly and there I saw a boy who I think is at the same age as me. "young master this is your new servant" said Hakura. "My name is Yukiro and let me serve you" I said and I bow my head to great him .. ..

After a few years of serving Muzan-sama, we became close to each other. "Muzan-sama, the medicine you are going to take is sure to be effective" I am happy to tell him "I am losing hope that my body will get stronger" he said sadly "but I don't want to die.. I want to live for a long time and be with you until old age " he said and held my hand. " but we can't be together Muzan-sama Because you are the son of a powerful family and you definitely need an heir " I say here " you can't avoid that because that is one of your duties as the next leader. " I continued and bowed so that he could not see the sadness in my eyes. "I am the one who will be followed here, when I become the leader of this house no one can oppose my decisions" he said with full determination that's why I felt so happy especially because our love is real. "no matter what happens I will stay by your side, I will not leave you even if it is means death" I promised and kissed him on his lips. " don't talk about death we will not die " he said and hug me

The day came when Muzan-sama's private doctor finished making medicine again. After he drank that, nothing happened, nothing changed because of the result and Muzan-sama's anger, he killed this doctor. "It's useless to think that I will get better and the death that clings to me will disappear, but it's still the same, I'm still suffering because of this insidious disease. " This angry man after hitting the doctor on the head, I immediately cleaned the doctor's body so that no one could see what happened. Just a few days later, Muzan-sama saw the effect of the medicine, his body became stronger and his blood revived, as if saying that he was completely cured because of that, he was happy to tell me this, but what he didn't expect was the its ugly effect, that is the sun. He cannot walk in the sun because that would surely kill him, and he is looking for human flesh he wants to eat people.
Because of this humans begin to persecute him and I the person who he loves and he loves him till death protect him in humans persecution, I can't let it happen not now that Muzan-sama is strong and healthy even it is means killing those insignificant humans.

End of the past~~~

That's what happen in the past, I left Muzan-sama side just to find the blue spider lily. Muzan-sama though I died but in reality I was alive still finding it, the person who died back then was my clone that's my demon art I can make a clone of every person I want to and when I left, I leave my clone to protect Muzan-sama so that he will not be in danger.


(Thank you so much)
For reading this☺️

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