Chapter 13

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As I drifted off to sleep, I thought of how this night could have gone.
'it could have been so much better. I feel like it's all my fault. And I feel like I may die. I've been choked three times, tonight alone! This isn't what I was expecting when he said vampires were vicious.' I thought to myself.
I was just about to drift into a deep sleep, when there was a knock on my door.
"Who is it?" I moaned.
"King Logan, Prince Alex, and Sir Ryder." Said the king.
'Uuggghhh! The people who have complete power over me! I just want to be left alone, and they're the last people I want to see.' I thought.
"Just one moment." I called. I quickly got out of bed, took my nightgown off and threw on some jeans and a sweatshirt.
"Come in." I called, going to sit back in my bed, but I decided against it and stood.
They all walked in and stood in front of me. The lights snapped on, unexpectedly blinding me. I shielded my eyes with my hands and when they had adjusted, I looked down at the ground.
"Zoe," King Logan began, I looked at his shoes. "Zoe, look at me." He ordered.
"It's impolite, Sir." i murmured.
"Look at me." He boomed.
I slowly peered up and looked into his eyes. I saw his eyes go black, and I felt like someone had just stabbed me in the back. I fell to the ground, but could not seem to take my eyes away from his. I lay there, unable to move, as he continued to glare daggers into my eyes.
And then, all of a sudden, it stopped. But it seemed as I was pinned to the ground by an invisible force.
"W... What did you do?" I asked, my voice very shaky.
"I took your memories. You will remember nothing except for what you learned at the school and the day of the auction." He said.
And then I felt it hit me... The wave of release. I had no more memories except for serving vampires. I didn't know if this was good or bad.
I tried to stand up, but couldn't. I blacked out.
The next morning, I woke up in a queen size bed. I couldn't remember the night before. All I remembered was the auction.
Someone walked in and came up to my bedside.
"Good. You're awake. Do you remember anything that happened in the past few days?" Asked the prince.
"No, Sir. I'm sorry." I whispered, averting my eyes.
"Do you at least remember the rules?" He asked.
"Yes, Sir." I replied.
"Tell them to me." He commanded.
"I am to address you as master, your highness, or Prince Alexander.
I am to always answer you in words.
I am to do whatever is asked of me, but only if it is asked of you or of someone of the royal family.
I am to keep my head and eyes downcast.
I may have to be punished if I do something wrong. If I must be punished, you will be the one to decide it, no arguments. I am to let it happen." I responded.
"Those are the ones for when we are in public. What about the ones when we are alone?" He asked.
"I don't remember. I thought those were the only ones, master." I said.
"Okay. Tell me what they taught you in the school." He commanded.
"They taught me to never argue with my master, and to always oblige and be obedient no matter what. I am yours. You own me." I recited the oath.
"How did they teach you this?" He asked.
"They... They had their ways." I whispered.
"How? And I want the truth. All of it." He demanded.
"They would punish you if you did anything wrong. They were very strict." I replied.
"Were you ever punished?" He asked.
"Yes, Sir. Many times. Though I never understood what I did to make them so angry." I said.
"Did they punish physically?"
"Yes. I still have scars." I whispered.
"Show me." he demanded.
I lifted my shirt a little to show him the minor injuries on my stomach.
"They don't seem that bad." He said.
"You haven't seen the worst of it." I said.
I turned around, still holding up my shirt to let him see the major scars that ran my back.
He reached out and touched one, and I winced.
"Sorry." He said.
"It's alright. You can keep going." I told him.
He touched another. And then he touched the last one I had gotten.
I doubled over in pain and nearly screamed.
"Why does this one hurt so much?" He asked, his fingers still tracing the whip mark that ran down half my back.
"It's the one they gave me the day of the auction. They say it'll help me remember my place. Who I am, and where I am." I told him.
"You let me harm you like this. Why?" He asked. "Why do you do it if it causes you so much pain?"
"Because you asked. I'm not allowed to disobey you. If I do I know I will be punished. But I have not had enough time with you to decide if are cruel enough to punish me more than they did." I said, sitting up, pulling down my shirt, and turning back to him.
"Do you want me to be cruel?" he asked.
"It's not my place to answer that. And besides, it doesn't matter what I think. It's never mattered what I think. And it will never matter what I think. I am yours. You own me. You treat me with as much respect as you think I deserve. And I treat you as king." I responded.
"Well. Keep it up. Because I'm not king yet. They have postponed my coronation for two months." He replied.
"Why?" I asked, but then thought twice of questioning. "Never Mind it's not my place to ask."
"Zoe. What do you want to do with you life?" He asked.
"What do you want me to do with it? You own me. All of me. Remember?" I asked.
"No, I mean what would you want to do with you life if you were free and there were no vampires to haunt you?" He asked.
"I don't know. I've always like music. Maybe I would sing. Why do you ask, master?" I asked.
"Why do you question me?" He asked.
"Sorry, your highness." I said.
"Zoe, you seem to be the perfect slave. Do you think you would ever be punished at my hand?" He asked.
"I'm unsure, Sir. Vampires are unpredictable to humans. And you could just punish me for no reason. Everyone's different, even vampires." I told him.
"That may be true, but it is not the type of answer I'm looking for. It is a yes or no question. Do you think you would ever be punished at my hand?" He asked again.
I thought for a moment. I didn't want to anger him with my decision, but either way I went he could take it wrongly.
"Y...yes, Sir." I whispered.
"Why?" He asked.
"Because at some point I will mess up. And at some point you will no longer be able to deal with my intolerance. So for that, I will be punished. But that is for you to decide. Not me." I told him.
"Zoe, come with me." He said seriously.
I cautiously got off the bed and began backing towards the wall. "W... Why? D...Did I do s...something wrong, master?" I asked.
"No. We are going to see someone." He said.
"Oh. Sorry, Sir. It's just, with us talking about it, I thought I was going to be punished." I responded, lowering my head.
"It's okay, Zoe. We're going to see my friend Ryder. Do you remember him?" He asked.
"N... No, Sir. I'm sorry. When did I meet him?" I asked.
"Oh... Um... I suppose you never did." He said.
"Oh." I responded.
"Come on. Let's go. He's waiting." Prince Alex told me.
"yes sir." I responded.
'Ryder.' I thought to myself. 'Why does that name ring a bell?'

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