Chapter 21

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Zoe's POV~

I was still sitting on Prince Alex's bed, when I heard the door burst open.
"Zoe, come on. We're going out today." Prince Alex said.
"What? I'm confused. What do you mean?" I asked.
"I mean I'm taking you out today for a treat." He said.
"Why? I haven't done anything to deserve this." I said.
"Can't I just treat you?" He asked.
"Um..." I stammered.
"The answer is yes. Yes I can." He said.
"Alright. I guess I can't stop you." I said, smiling.
He ran over, and grabbed my hand. He pulled me out the door and dragged me down the stairs to the limo.
"Where to, Sir?" Asked the driver.
"The mall." Alex said.
"The mall?!" I asked. I had never been there.
"Yeah. You're going to love it." He said.
"I've never been to a mall." I said.
"Really? What about when you were little?" He asked.
"I don know, all my memories from before the school are a little blurry." I said.
"Oh. That's alright." He said.
The car slowed down.
"Here we are." He said.
I looked out the window and smiled.
"It looks beautiful." I said.
It was a gorgeous outside mall, all the building were different colors. It was absolutely gorgeous.
We got out of the car and Alex led me to a store called an 'ice cream shop' I didn't know what ice cream was, but the prince said it was pretty good.
He bought me chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, and he got mint chocolate chip.
I grabbed the cone of ice cream and was about to bite down on it when he stopped me.
"Zoe! Don't. It's super cold. It'll make your teeth freezing." He warned. "You just lick it."
"Oh. Okay." I said. I licked a lot of it and got what the prince called a brain freeze.
"Pinch the bridge of your nose." He instructed.
I did as he said and it stopped.
"Thanks." I said.
We finished our ice cream and walked through the mall.
We came upon a store that the prince loved.
We walked in and he picked out one of his favorite books. He handed it to me.
"Here. Read some."
I opened the book and the writing seemed foreign to me.
"I... I can't read. I never learned." I admitted.
"What? Why? how?" He asked.
"Humans are forbidden to read. It's against the laws." I told him.
"Ugh. Sometimes, I hate the laws." He said.
"You think I don't? I'll never get to have a real boyfriend or get married or have a family, unless you say so. Try living as a human for a day, you'd appreciate being a vampire a lot more." I said.
"You're right. But there's nothing I can do about it now." He said.
"There a lot you can do about it." I mumbled.
"What?" He asked.
"Nothing, Sir." I said.
"No, you said something." He inquired.
I sighed.
"I said that there's a lot you can do about this. You can talk to your dad, you're about to be king." I told him.
"Yeah. I know... Can you keep a secret?" He asked.
"Who would I tell? I'm with you almost all the time." I said.
"Good. I don't really want to be king. I just wish that things could go back to how they were. When humans and vampires lived peacefully." He admitted.
This made my heard jerk up.
"What? You mean that things weren't always like this?" I exclaimed.
"Yeah... Didn't they teach you about that?" He asked.
"No. We were told that vampires had always ruled. That way there would be no question as to a rebellion." I told him, shocked at my realization.
"You know, for a human you're pretty smart." he said.
"Thanks. You know, for a vampire you're pretty lenient. I mean, we were told our masters would be ruthless. But you've showed me the joy of living. I thought there was no hope for me, before you. Thank you." I told him.
"You're welcome. I'm sorry things were so bad for you. I can't even begin to imagine how you felt in that school. But, I need you to tell me something." He began.
"Okay." I replied.
"Do you really believe that you deserved those punishments in that school?" He asked.
I stared at him for a moment. 'Did he really just ask me that?'
"Y... Yes." I stammered, still shocked he asked me.
"Why?" He pushed.
"Because, when my family died, I couldn't even begin to imagine the pain they felt. And, I know this will sound crazy, but I believe that all my near death experiences will be the closest I'll ever get to how they felt. I feel like I'm being punished to be shown how they felt. Like it's all my fault they died." I opened up to him.
"Why? Why would you think it was your fault?" He asked.
"Because it is. I could have done so much to stop it. But I didn't. They broke the laws to protect me, but when it was my time to protect them, I failed. I'll never forget what my older brother told me when they put the gun to his head." I whispered.
"what did he tell you?" Alex asked.
"He said... 'I'll never forget you. But I'll hope you'll remember me and remember that none of this is your fault.' " I repeated, tears streaming down my face.
"I'm sorry." I said, getting up and running out of the building. I ran and ran until I found an alleyway to hide in.
Then someone appeared behind me.
"Hello little one, where are you going?" A voice asked.
"Nowhere." I said.
"Why are you hiding?" He asked.
"Why do you want to know? It's not like you would care." I said.
"Oh, but I would." He said.
I looked up, and saw the last person I wanted to see right then.
The person who had put my life on a down spiral when I was twelve.
The person who was partially in charge of my misery at the school.
My second captivator.


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