Two|| "Care to join Team-Leo?"

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I was the first one on the bus. Which means I'd be the last dropped off in the evening.
So there I sat in the back of the bus with an awkward silence between the bus driver and I.

The bus driver really did scare me. Not that his appearance was scary it was more how he held himself. Also, that I might of slightly offended him by saying people in wheel chairs shouldn't be bus drivers ,and he gave me a death glare that could kill.

He had curly hair that was longer then most guys and had a matching beard. He wore a plaid shirt with strings fraying, khakis, and basic brown shoes. He had an old man smell about him with a mix of farm animal. Not that pleasant in all honestly.

Eventually, more kids got on the bus and sitting in the back wasn't my best choice. I really was just trying to put distance between the driver and myself.

I could either talk to the kids or lean down so far in the seat that they couldn't see me. I went with the latter. All was going well as I sat squished down in my seat looking like a retarded walrus till a body decided to sit by me. By sit by me I mean he didn't see me and sat on me.

"HOLY BUCKETS GET OFF ME!" I yelled as the wind was knocked out of me.

"Woah! Sorry." A voice said sitting by me.

"My god that hurt." I said rubbing my stomach.

"I'm surprised your fat didn't absorb his fall." A girl snickered.

"Shut up, Drew. She's thinner than you." The boy replied.

Well Drew seemed nice. I have to give it to her she's not nice but really pretty.

"Sorry about that." The boy said.

"It's fine." I said sitting up for once.

"I'm Alex." He said sticking out his hand.

"Natalie." I replied shaking it.

He seemed really nice. He dressed nice and not like a wanna be gangster as most did. He had dark brown hair and sea blue eyes with a nice tan. Another person who could blend in with my family better than I could.

"That's Drew." He said pointing to the Asian.

"I've heard." I said and she glares at me.

"She just moved here two years ago." He said.

"Do you like it here?" I asked casually.

"I could be in California." She sighed.

"Don't mind her she's having a bad day. Her mascara ran out or something." Alex said.

"It's a serious issue!" She snapped.

"Call the police and the firemen." I joked.

She basically gave me a glare worse than my bus driver did.

"Lighten up." Alex said shoving her.

Was he crazy?! Did he have a death wish?!

"She's my neighbor. Don't worry she's all talk and no walk." He whispered to me apparently reading my facial expression well.

"Your lucky your parents and mine are friends of else-" She started.

"Or else you destroy me socially yeah I know." Alex finished for her rolling his eyes.

The bus halted to a stop extra hard. I guess I was right about questioning the wheel chaired bus driver. Not that I had anything against people in wheel chairs, it just wasn't something you say everyday.

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