Sixteen|| "That twerp."

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I felt like I needed aspirin. Mostly because everything came rushing back and all the memories were giving me a headache.
I've been blinded for two years. Two whole years. Basically two years of my life I'll never get back.

"What do you mean by trouble, Leo?" Natalie asked.

Should I tell her? She doesn't seem like a demigod, but she had Riptide. She deserved an explanation.

"It's a long story."

"I'm listening."

"Okay. Well don't freak out, but the Greek Gods are real."

I waited for her reaction. So far as was giving me a poker face.

"You've gotta be kidding me. You two? First Connor and Rachel now you? Who's next Travis?" She huffed snatching the pen from my hands and shouldering her backpack.

"Who?" I said struggling to keep up with her.

"Just leave me alone."

"I would, but you're the only person I know here that matters."

"Go talk to your other friends. I'm sure you have many."

"Natalie, you have to be open minded."

"I am open minded to the fact that all my new friends are crazy."

"Travis and Drew definitely are. Say do you know where they are?"

"No, but I'm meeting up with Travis's brother after school."

"Great I'll come."

"I didn't invite you."

"Well I'll tag along anyway."

"Go away."

"I'm kinda have to stay with you."

"As long as you don't talk about Greek Mythology."


"So you're just going to follow me around all day? What about your classes?"

"They don't matter in a situation like this."

"You really are nuts." She huffed.

"I've been told that before. My friends made that very clear."

"Yeah. Friends like that one guy and that one girl." She said heading to her next class early.

"Sorry about that memory block."

"And you said you didn't have amnesia."

"I didn't. Not really. It's complicated."

"I don't even want to ask." She mumbled.

"Connor used to do that to. It was so annoying." She said once I didn't reply.

"Connor Stoll?"

"Yeah him. He was talking about these two people. They were dating. He couldn't really recall so he drew a picture, well tried to."

"Can I see?"

"I don't know why I'm letting you follow me." She said handing me a crumpled ball of paper.

"Well you're not really. I'm just following you."

I flattened the paper out against my leg and examined. Connor was a horrible artist. This was the living proof. It was a horrible cross of the person on the women's bathroom sign and a kindergartener's sick figure. One arm was longer then the other and the limbs weren't connected to the body. At the bottom was horrible handwriting. Obviously Connor's.

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